Healthy and beautiful bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Dear Readers!
For first time I participate in the Daily Fresh, accepting the invitation made by @antoniarhuiz
I share with you images of the first flowering of my bean plant
Healthy and beautiful my bean plant
It is being visited by many pollinators these days
On a sunny morning, a beautiful butterfly visits

I hope you enjoy this beautiful flower as much as I enjoyed this morning when I took the tour in my garden, my revitalizing Spa.

It was a pleasure to share with you today's theme

Grateful for all the days lived

We are Energy ... Energy is Transformed

Grateful with #Pachamama who every day gives me the opportunity to watch the Miracle of Life

Photographs by @marlenyaragua

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments

Until a next post

My networks and interactive platforms

Hola amiga bella. Hermosas muestras de la naturaleza. Abrazos
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Agradecida por la invitación @antoniarhuiz .... Me encanta compartir con mis lectores las diversas dinámicas de transformación en mi jardín ...
Un Abrazo con mi energía de paz, amor y alegría ....