
I guess that's why you can't train cats... They have a personality of their that they seem to be born with. They also seem to enjoy more things in life than dogs do.

Cats are not pack animals. They are lone hunters, which is why they do not have the requisite instincts. They do have families because they're born relatively helpless. Even an adult cat regards the people in the home she/he lives in as her/his family. Helmi wants to take care of us, which is why she brings home the bacon in her own way. Her offerings include mice, moles and birds. Some dead some alive.

I can only imagine bringing you live mice :)

It falls on me to catch them from inside the house. The cat is good at knowing where they are but she's obviously incapable of using various tools and implements to get them to come out into the open from places like under a cupboard to be caught and released to the wild outside.

Posted a cat too. Cats are awesome :D

Yep. They're quite funny.