simultaneously.. a city

Hi I just want to share you little bit of my idea about city landscape, I don't think this one as good as you can do but I guess the aesthetic match up with the situation.

Check this out

MARULI 2.jpg

mario 6 (4 of 27).jpg

mario 6 (27 of 27).jpg

mario 6 (3 of 27).jpg

mario 6 (26 of 27).jpg

mario 6 (21 of 27).jpg

mario 6 (5 of 27).jpg

mario 6 (12 of 27).jpg

mario 6 (15 of 27).jpg

this all my resume about what I've got from walking around the city.. it was an amazing journey to share with you guys..

hope you guys like it


DAAAAAMM man hatt off im really impressed with the framing on your shots!! that's the defiinition of good framing!!

thankyou my friendd