My Monday Missions entry oldie, but a lovelie 😁

heretoday I participate in the Monday mission organized by @qurator which you can find iciaujourd'hui je participe à la mission du Lundi organisé par @qurator que vous pouvez trouver
and which consisted this week of showing some old stuffet qui consistait cette semaine à montrer quelque chose de vieux


I think my old car will do just fineJe crois que ma vieille bagnole fera très bien l'affaire
...What do you think ? 😄...qu'en pensez-vous ? 😄

I wish you a wonderful sunday, Friends from the whole world !



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Very lovely photo of what I can only assume to be an old soapbox racer! Congrats on the photos, and best of luck for the entry :-D

yes that's it ! just perfect for a garden gnome like me 😁

luigi's%20hat%20half%20colored%20thanks.pngfor your comment @zacknorman97 😊

Ha, so that's what garden gnomes do in their free time when they're not scaring the bejeezus of passers-by! I hope that backyard has a course worthy for this soapbox racer. Don't mind the rough patches grass, or the tiled footpath... That's a rally track, if I've ever dreamt of one 😂