The second worse seaside town in UK

in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)


Our little seaside relies heavily on tourism, and the past two months has pretty much killed us. Two Easters and two summers down the drain, where practically no visitors came. We're not the best seaside town in UK anyway, in fact I think we were voted the second worst recently!!! So it's not like we're flooded with tourists during the good times. Covid was just another nail in the coffin, ready to kill us off.

Luckily, we're a bit more resiliant than that, and those who voted us the second worst seaside town, don't know us well enough. Sure, we're not as famous and pretty as the other seaside towns in UK such as Brighton, Worthing, St Ives, Whitby, Hastings etc, and we have a horrible muddy beach which can be quite off putting. Those visitors who are smart enough to venture a bit further along the seafront will be rewarded with some amazing views and a piece of Victorian seaside history. And seriously, if I told you these photos are taken in the south of France, you might even believe me (perhaps? 😊 )

For us locals, we know there's a street that is the prettiest at this time of the year. Japan is famous for its sakura, ie cherry blossom trees, and every year many people flock to Japan just to see it. I've never managed to visit Japan during the right time of the year, but I am blessed to see it right on my doorstep. Whenever I'm back home, mainly these three past seasons when I'm stranded in the UK, I love walking down this road when I'm in town. I even take a detour when I don't have to because sakura don't last very long. These have just started to bloom the past couple of weeks, not sure how long they will last.

For those who said we're the second worse seaside town in UK, you don't know what you're missing.....

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


And seriously, if I told you these photos are taken in the south of France, you might even believe me

I'd believe you, this is for sure ☺☺

And sakura trees looks so pure, and bright, and alive. I love the reflection if skues at the surface, and I just realized how much I miss the sea.


I hope you can take back your seaside down south very soon and go on a proper seaside holiday with Nic and your family!!

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Hi @livinguktaiwan, Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content. For more information visit our discord

What do they know, anyway?

I love some of these quirky coastal towns, with interesting stories. Living in Thailand, honestly, one is easily bored by only white open sandy beaches. 😁 Truly! 🤣 Sakura are simply gorgeous, wherever they are.

Nice shots and great sneakers. 😆

Thailand has it's fair share of beautiful sandy white beaches, no wonder it attracts so many people, but maybe a bit too many some times 😟

Nothing wrong with it from where you are sitting! Look fine. I like the places that don't have the tourists that you can walk the dog down and not get looks. Where is it anyway?

Weston Super Mare in the west of UK, or Weston Super Mud as my friends like to call it because of the muddy beach ^_^

I have heard of it alright. Def nicer than Blackpool. Was that voted the worse?

Apparently Skegness has been at the bottom for three years, but I reckon it wouldn't take much for us to nip that spot. I'm surprising Worthing is so low out of 100 though.

The cherry blossom trees are amazing. Indeed, the Covid epidemic has taken away a lot of our things. there is no other way we have to fight it stubbornly. Thank you for sharing the photos, I can see the peace of the place you live there. Hopefully the pandemic will end soon so that everything can return to the way it was before. Have a nice day 😊

I believe we're coming out from the tunnel. Certainly this year in UK things are opening up, and we know what to expect, in terms of the pandemic, so we're in a better position to manage it. Hope things improve for your city as well

When I first went into the water at Weston, I was actually pleasantly surprised. The ground was nice and firm. That, of course, was on the high tide, but still.

And I really enjoyed the architecture all around the town. The only thing that put me off a bit was the people I had seen on the streets.

It definitely has some nice architecture around town, and I agree with you, walking down the high street isn't the prettiest sight. Many years ago, Weston had the highest concentration of drug rehab centres, about 11% of the whole country I think so that didn't help!!

Hmm, it doesn't look so bad, we have far much worse here. View is kind of urban flavored, but flowers make is better.

It's amazing what plants and flowers do to a town, I just wished we planted more of them around, it's the easiest way to beautify a place.

Clearly those people have never been to the Clacton area.

😄I went there years ago, have to say it didn't leave much impression on me

I don´t know who made the ranking but these photos look very good to me, cannot see anything to be ashamed of here :) Nice town.

Thanks Petr, apparney it was a survey done by Which and included 4000 people, not exactly very representative tbh !

Oh, Japan in the UK, nice!

And actually, in every bad, there is a good thing. If it is voted as the second worse seaside town, it means fewer tourists, bad for the economy but a lot nicer and calmer for living, the residents of the town can have their peace.

Benidorm is the next town to our, well I try to avoid it hahaha, too crowded, you know... the best time to spend some time there is in late autumn, when the season is "dying" :)

Also, Mallorca had problems with too many tourists (before covid) they were thinking about how to reduce the number of visitors to get back a bit of tranquility for the local people.

P.S. cool shoes 😎

That's true, I'm very happy that I can stroll along the seafront and it's not too crowded with people.

I have heard of Benidorm and Mallorca, both are very popular destination for UK tourist, so I know what you mean 😄🤐

Yeah, so you know :D

There are so many beautiful places, luckily still not so exploited by the tourism :)
And although I like to visit the big centres, I like to spend more time in those less known towns/villages 😇

go on then who came first?

Whoever it is, they're not as good as us!!! Fact 🤣

I haven't been in your town, but Bristol and Bath are very nice. I had an aunt in Paignton. As I see, from your photos, the beaches are very similar. The only thing I was complaining is cold sea. Anyway, south of UK has beautiful gardens and amazing flowers. I have been taking with me (in the airplane) a pot of fuchia from UK.
In my oppinion, there are not bad seaside towns in UK.
All the best.

Bristol and Bath are both very nice. Paignton I haven't been before but that part of England is a nice area, popular for local visitors.

UK is always quite cold, sadly we don't get much sun that's why Brits love to flock to sunny places like Spain all the time.

Thanks for dropping by!

In fact, the climate is UK is not too bad in my opinion (at least in Southern UK). And that allows you to have such beautiful flowers. In Serbia, we have very cold Winters (sometimes it gets colder then -20°C) but in Summer it goes up to +40°C.

Wow?! That's a massive swing in temperature, not to mention you need a wide range of clothes for the extreme weather!

I feel really good seeing landscapes ,nature!
I’m inspired Thanks for sharing

You know how to confuse @livinguktaiwan, the photo of this beautiful sakura, I understand it was taken in France?

The beautiful sakura is in UK

What I meant some parts of our seaside town looks a bit like south of France 🙂

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You have sand, that is a plus for me already. Lol Lived in Brighton for almost 2 years and loved it. Great place, but the pebbles on the beach is a NO for me lol

At least the pebbles are better than the mud here!! Brighton is nice, it has a lovely buzz but not sure if I'd like to live there though as it seems so busy

It is oy busy a couple of months, while the sun is out and all the Londoners used to go down for sun and sea. Lol other than that the other 10 months it is a quiet city 😊

I know I'm supposed to be commenting on the town and blossoms, (lovely by the way) but, those shoes. I must have them in my life. 🙃

Becca 💗

Thank you! People on Hive have got such god taste,my Converse seems to have got quite a bit of attention 😊

They're cute, and when I see cute I want cute. 🙃

Those are some beautiful fink flowers wow. I love it :)

The cherry blossoms are always very popular when they are in season

What beautiful pictures and beauty! The city of Japan is also very beautiful in certain seasons. The tranquility of the beach and its clean and clear sky are stunning. The second photo

Thanks for your lovely comment.

You're correct, Japan is alsy very beautiful during different seasons, but sadly it will be a while before I can go, in the meanwhile I'll have to make do with UK

did you take the picture by yourself.
looks like plagiarism as if the picture shows the results of your own composition and opinion.
I don't like plagiarism@livinguktaiwan The pictures look different!

Lesson number when detectibg plagiarism - find the source. Let me know when you find it

I've found the image looks a little different than it looks. many of the pictures are cropped. the original source is still questionable? manually this is definitely different. will you answer it honestly? Image content indicated by plagiarism is very detrimental to all parties. including reading.

No idea what you're talking about. Where's the original source? Please share so we can discuss

As the founding admin of the community, you actually know better because you have violated the community itself. You make rules in the community so that there is no plagiarism. but you broke it yourself. really sad, ironic and sad.
I am disappointed with you as one of the community admins. but the violation in front of your eyes violated yourself. manually it's obviously a copyright error.

I don't know where to report? because you as an admin in the co-founder of the community, you reap all the profits from the results of copyright infringement. really makes me very sad. very clear manually your pictures plagiarism. all the results of editing and the cut out of place.

Let me help you out, you can report plagiarism here. Don't forget to include the original source photo which you say I've plagiarise. Your malicious words carry no weight so you need prove to back up the trash that is coming out from your mouth.

Your words are very harsh. your tone is very dirty
don't you have to talk politely.?
show your quality by speaking politely if you really are a wise community admin? your words are very very unwise. very dirty.

I'm not saying that I need your help. not a matter of reporting and reporting. but this is a matter of creativity that must be upheld, honesty and fairness in addressing a problem. you as a community admin. certainly earn for a very large.
you should be honest.
and please speak politely not in a condescending tone to others. and being indifferent like priceless trash.
be patient...