I've found the image looks a little different than it looks. many of the pictures are cropped. the original source is still questionable? manually this is definitely different. will you answer it honestly? Image content indicated by plagiarism is very detrimental to all parties. including reading.
As the founding admin of the community, you actually know better because you have violated the community itself. You make rules in the community so that there is no plagiarism. but you broke it yourself. really sad, ironic and sad.
I am disappointed with you as one of the community admins. but the violation in front of your eyes violated yourself. manually it's obviously a copyright error.
I don't know where to report? because you as an admin in the co-founder of the community, you reap all the profits from the results of copyright infringement. really makes me very sad. very clear manually your pictures plagiarism. all the results of editing and the cut out of place.
Let me help you out, you can report plagiarism here. Don't forget to include the original source photo which you say I've plagiarise. Your malicious words carry no weight so you need prove to back up the trash that is coming out from your mouth. https://hivewatchers.com/reports/new
Your words are very harsh. your tone is very dirty
don't you have to talk politely.?
show your quality by speaking politely if you really are a wise community admin? your words are very very unwise. very dirty.
I'm not saying that I need your help. not a matter of reporting and reporting. but this is a matter of creativity that must be upheld, honesty and fairness in addressing a problem. you as a community admin. certainly earn for a very large.
you should be honest.
and please speak politely not in a condescending tone to others. and being indifferent like priceless trash.
be patient...
I've found the image looks a little different than it looks. many of the pictures are cropped. the original source is still questionable? manually this is definitely different. will you answer it honestly? Image content indicated by plagiarism is very detrimental to all parties. including reading.
No idea what you're talking about. Where's the original source? Please share so we can discuss
As the founding admin of the community, you actually know better because you have violated the community itself. You make rules in the community so that there is no plagiarism. but you broke it yourself. really sad, ironic and sad.
I am disappointed with you as one of the community admins. but the violation in front of your eyes violated yourself. manually it's obviously a copyright error.
I don't know where to report? because you as an admin in the co-founder of the community, you reap all the profits from the results of copyright infringement. really makes me very sad. very clear manually your pictures plagiarism. all the results of editing and the cut out of place.
Let me help you out, you can report plagiarism here. Don't forget to include the original source photo which you say I've plagiarise. Your malicious words carry no weight so you need prove to back up the trash that is coming out from your mouth.
Your words are very harsh. your tone is very dirty
don't you have to talk politely.?
show your quality by speaking politely if you really are a wise community admin? your words are very very unwise. very dirty.
I'm not saying that I need your help. not a matter of reporting and reporting. but this is a matter of creativity that must be upheld, honesty and fairness in addressing a problem. you as a community admin. certainly earn for a very large.
you should be honest.
and please speak politely not in a condescending tone to others. and being indifferent like priceless trash.
be patient...