The forest and me. Two amazing walks (EN-UA)

in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)

Sometimes, looking at the photos, you realize how much beauty is around. In tall trees and small flowers, in the smiles of people and the smiles of the sun after the rain. This beauty is fragile. But our memory last longer...


Me and the forest. The forest and me. The heat is finally over and I can take a walk with pleasure. Officially: I'm looking for mushrooms. But while the edibles ones are hiding underground and waiting for their turn. And I find a lot of beauty that I share with you. There is a mini collection of two walks. The first was on a cloudy day, and the second on a sunny morning.


Інколи, переглядаючи фотографії, розумієш, як багато краси навколо. У високих деревах і маленьких квітах, в усмішках людей і усмішках сонця після дощу. Ця краса крихка. Але наша пам'ять про неї більш тривала...
Я і ліс. Ліс і я. Нам затишно разом. Нарешті мигула спека і можна з насолодою прогулятися. Офіційно: шукаю гриби. Але поки їстівні ховаються під землею і чекають на свій час. А я знаходжу чимало краси, якою ділюся з вами. Тут є міні колекція із двох прогулянок. Перша була у похмурий день, а друга у сонячний ранок.


It seems that only one person now walks this path. It's me:)



And suddenly the invisible path turns into such a wide road. It was recently made. And here is an evidence - bizarre ​roots of a tree.



I dive into the beech forest and watch the life of its inhabitants from different kingdoms of wildlife. Big red forest ants feel good in this part of the forest and have several large "houses".




Parasite mushroom Fomes fomentarius settled on old dry beeches. How interesting and beautiful it is!



I liked the texture of this tree. Apparently it is a hornbeam.



I like this wood in gloomy day! Such soft even light allows me to admire the gray trunks of beeches.


A little rest under a tree. And here I noticed such beautiful berries. They are like beads of glass or colored stones. I once wrote about this plant when it was in bloom!





Goodbye gloomy day. and hello sunny morning! This spider was definitely not waiting for guests. I almost destroyed its net...




How fascinating to watch the forest in the morning sun! The little inhabitants of that world are busy with their own affairs. It is important not to disturb the harmony!



Meeting with beautiful butterflies Argynnis paphia, which I write about here.




In the area of ​​an abandoned quarry, I find a different mood. It is a kingdom of unmow herbs, chicory and wild nettle.



And I will take this beauty home.This is a boletus that turns blue when cut (we call it "blue fungi"). Conditionally edible:)



Thanks for your reading, commenting and voting;) See you soon!



Красива колекція. Дійсно, часом варто подивитись на рідні місця збоку. Починаєш розуміти велич природи.

What a beautiful forest! I love walking in the woods too, it is so relaxing and healing

Thanks for your feedback!

So many green trees! 🌱💚

Yes, I love green colour very much!:) Thanks for your visit 💚💚💚

These are some incredibly interesting captures! Thanks for sharing them here with us! =)

Thank you for your feedback :)

Wow! Beautiful forest and your photography is also very beautiful.

Thanks, I'm glad that you liked it:)

Welcome :)

Nice creativity and angle photos

What a beautiful forest the photos are spectacular!!! :O

Thank you very much for your feedback!!!

Thanks for your comment 🙂

Que hermosas fotos 💖, el bosque está de película 🎞📽. Felicitaciones por tu bello trabajo.

Muchas gracias!

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This place is beautiful! You capture it so well, it's like I'm there looking around myself. Where is this? I would very much like to go there one day