Some Tibetan details, Kathmandu, Nepal

in Photography Lovers9 months ago (edited)

The area around the great stupa Boudhanath is the Little Tibet of Nepal, the same way that Dharamsala is in India.

A vibrant, local community

Tibetan refugees settled here from the very beginning, and have been building up new monasteries, businesses and everything that makes up for a thriving community. It is a culture that is very rich in details, and also very much alive!

Here are some diverse details from the area :-)

Butter lamps for offerings

The eyes of the stupas can be found anywhere!

Rooftop of the temple at the entrance to Boudhanath itself

Another rooftop, from the main hall of Ka-Nying Shedrup Ling, which was damaged in the 2015 earthquake

Tibetan mask used for dances

Not sure if this mask is worn or used in another way, it is very narrow!

Yet another mask, never seen this type before

The snow lions outside Ka-Nying Shedrup Ling

The big bell by the entrance has other bells attached

Thankas for sale in a shop

A modest sales stand

The grin of death is everywhere, no worry!

Monks behind the gate of Shechen monastery

And last but not least: my lunch, traditional Tibetan dumplings called momos!

About the workflow

All of these images have gone through a workflow I'm testing out on open source software all the way, from QubesOS to different editors and converters. They might have come out a tad better if I had done all of this manually, editing each image in Photoshop or similar.

But, workflow is king if you want to produce! For now this all takes longer, but the goal is to keep working on the setup until it becomes far more effective. Running an agency for some years, and also doing things like high output real estate photography makes for a good motivation to get this right for myself now!

And when that combined with Hive is working there will be a lot of photography coming from me :-)