Photos from around our Home

in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)

Lately I've been at a bit of a loss for things to post about. You know how it goes. It happens to everyone on Hive at some point I'm sure. The feeling of apathy accompanied by anxiety. A fear of not growing your account and earning crypto, contrasting with not wanting to post about nothing, just for the sake of making a post. It's a quality over quantity sort of thing. You get it. But anyway...

I've been collecting photos from around our home for well over a year now. I've been waiting until I have gathered enough to create a worth while post about them, while also trying not to force the issue.

But I think I have enough now so that's what this post will be about - photos from around our home.


A few of these are actually from the exact same location but at different times of the year. They follow along a path we use when walking the dog. We named it the horse path because we saw horses in there at one point. They haven't been there for quite some time now.


The crop changes each season and this time round it was wheat or maybe barley? I don't know for sure but I believe that it's wheat.


Canola is another popular crop that we see often. This one is in the next field over.


Sunflowers are often planted close by as well. The first year they were everywhere but always just a little too far to walk to. We had planned to take pictures of them on several occasions but always failed to make the trip. This fall they were a planted a little closer to our home but in a field that didn't get much sunshine. There weren't as many flowers in the crop as some of the others we've seen. They're looking a little sparse but I still like the photo.


There's a polo club a little ways from our house as well. I watched a match one afternoon with a fellow expat in the area. I don’t know the rules or how the game is played but I do like it when they wack the ball with the club thingy.


The wild poppies come out in late spring in almost every field. This is the same wheat field as the photo above. Unfortunately I think I over edited the photo because the sky is looking a little neon blue.


Moving into the fall. This is the same horse trail from the next road over. The crop has been harvested and is waiting for the winter crop to be planted. The sleepy town is off in the distance.


Heading across the street to another empty field. I just like the three distinct layers of the photograph.


I took the next photo through a car windown while driving. I think the wind farms often look sort of artistic in a way.


The next one is of a horse club or stable close to where we walk the dog. I've never gone in but I think the building is pretty neat from the outside.


They say not to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but those little pests will completely destroy your yard. Unfortunately I don't really know how to get rid of them either. The thing is just slowly taking over the lawn at the moment.


Its a bit out of order but this last one is a picture of the wheat field again but this time closer to harvest. That's all I really have to say about it.

Well that's it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by.


Ah so that is canola!!! I see it in the fields here in summer quite a lot and kept meaning to find out what was being grown!

Hey Boom I don't remember seeing gallons upon gallons and bottles as far as you can see there. Is canola oil regularly used for cooking around you?

It is, I used to use it before I started using rapeseed oil. It's quite a healthy oil as oils go isn't it?

I don't know about its health properties but yeah it's Canola. The fields are really neat looking when all of the flowers bloom. I've never cooked with it though. I generally use olive oil for anything uncooked and peanut oil for cooking because it has a high smoke point.

Yeah canola's so healthy I chase it with salted bacon grease to avoid a headache. Alwaiz think uh head.

Love canola blooms every spring, the way they pop out against the blue sky. Beautiful walks from your neighborhood, nice! Oooh a polo club nearby, so posh! lol

Yeah Canola is a pretty crop.
I've only been to one polo match. It wasn't the most exciting thing to watch to be honest, but it was a novelty so I figured I'd check it out.

I have only watched a polo match once while doing a charity event. Our company decided to serve wine, champagne and beer to guests. All of the proceeds from the whole event were for a specific cause including our volunteer work as bartenders. It was my first time to be behind the bar and that was not an easy job.
Quick question by the way, what made you decide to live where you are now?

Sounds like a challenging job if it was the first time that you bar tended but interesting as well. The venue would be cool at least.

We are on an expat in France for my wife's job. We saw a few different houses when we were house hunting and chose this area because its close to work and it was best suited to fit our needs - mainly because of our pets. There was a spot in another town thats slightly bigger but the yard would pose a challenge with the animals. This one just made the most sense I guess.

Thank you for replying to my question. It's cool that you found a place close to work while still being able to enjoy the french countryside landscape.

Yeah it was a lucky find for us

Wow what a beautiful place you are located in. I really like how you took the same picture at different seasons. Super cool.

Yeah I've been saving them for a while lol. But some are my photos and some were taken by my wife.

I can understand your thoughts that you don't just want to post something to post something, I feel the same way, I think everyone who's been on Hive for a while is like that. I think this post is very well written, and the different seasons make it exciting - you dive into different perspectives. The sunflowers are still very pretty, let's hope they get more light this year. For me, wind farms also have something idyllic - funny, right? Although they are actually quite the opposite, they merge with nature into a beautiful picture.

Yeah wind farms do sort of blend in with nature, though I know a lot of people would disagree. They seem to be one of those polarizing things where people either love them or hate them. I definitely like them.

Well I might've liked this one slightly more than most, Lucky. My favorite producers are unpredictable.

Quality, quantity, Q words, sure. I'm sure many people strive for numbers and are more concerned with missing a day than anything else.

Quantity doesn't concern me. What I think about regularly is what my friends back home would think of my content. So I keep them updated by forwarding occasional links to those who don't jump on my page. The rest keep up with me randomly. I guess how people would do on instawhatever it's called or whatever.

If you can't share your stuff with friends back home without being embarrassed then you're doing it for all the wrong reasons anyway, not just a couple Q words.

Except money, of course, we're all chameleons for that.

Quality is definitely subjective and I don't think that there is any one thing in particular that makes a post a quality one or not. I think for me I just try not to abuse my autovotes lol. I once created and a meme that I thought was hilarious and posted it and it ended up being worth quite a bit of money at the time. Afterwards I realized that it was mostly autovotes and felt bad because a single meme really isn't worth more than $5 in my opinion. I just try to keep that in mind now.

But yeah, telling stories, Journaling, freewrites, keeping people updated, photos - its all good stuff. Sometimes it's just nice reading about what people are up to in their daily lives.


I avoid doing short ones too. Some months back I had a short one to say and made it a burn post for the same reason.

Sorry if I've asked this before but you're in France, correct? North near the German border or are you in Germany?

Yeah Northern France. Not super close to the border or Germany but close enough - 3 hours away or something

Nice place over all and some parts look like a peaceful area

Yeah it's a nice rural location and a pretty quiet town so very peaceful 😁

I have the same feeling of quality and quantity after joining Hive for a while. Your photos around you are so amazing. I am jealous with you on how beautiful where you live. They make me want to pick my brushes.

Yeah I think most people on Hive do quality posts. That's one really great thing about the community, among many others.

The surroundings near your home look very beautiful, especially the pictures at different times of the year. Polo also fascinates me, but I have never tried it because I am a bit afraid/respectful of horses.

Yeah I know what you mean about the horses. When I went I noticed that they switch the horses regularly and stop play a lot to give them lots of breaks.

Some really cool shots, and I am personally very happy to see something different from you, the second pic reminds me of the movie Gladiator, when he dreams of coming home and the music starts with the voice in a language I don't understand "eeeeeheehhuahhh"...

I know how it feels when you don't know what to post, I have so many drafts that will never be finished hahah.

I have so many drafts that will never be finished

Haha yeah. I have a bunch of ideas like that. They are only in photo form at the moment though - set aside in a folder. I stopped pre-writing stuff.

I know the scene you are referring to in Galdiator and yeah I see it. Good observation.

I am personally very happy to see something different from you.

I have a few trips in backlog from the summer so I'll probably be back to posting the same old stuff hahaha but when I go back to Canada I'll have to get really creative lol. My blog will likely be something else entirely lol.