Delayed gratification!

What’s up, Hive? It’s just before midnight here in Minneapolis. I’m doing my best to roll with the punches. @guthrie’s new school schedule, @vermillionfox’s new job and all of us being sick. No two days are the same, which is okay. Typically, a rigid routine bores me and I get restless, but something of a balance would be nice, just so I’m able to plan work or finish projects. The last week of October is going to be a sprint to the finish line for several projects and grant proposals to deadline by Halloween. I’ll get it all done, but it’s going to be a photo finish, I’m sure.

I did manage to get a few hours in at @caffetto tonight and during that time, I revisited a shoot from June. Honestly, I’m way behind on these and I’m so grateful that Stephany is as patient as she’s been. Not once did she text me or ask how her edits were coming and that’s a priceless commodity in a client considering what the last several months have been like with WAX NFT projects, @mirropool, a ton of shoots, @neverwel, Kong and of course, traveling. Revisiting this shoot was eye opened to just how incredible this dark pinup session really was. It’s great to see images with fresh eyes.

Stephany and I met when she booked with Cervena Fox’s event at her home during Viva Las Vegas. I shot with 12 models during the long day […and evening], and Stephany was one of the standouts from those sessions. She had a natural modeling acumen and we had great chemistry together. After Viva, she booked a shoot with me for a private session in Minneapolis, and a few weeks later, she was in my city. We brought a few outfits and we decided to shoot in my home. I’ve been investing in the decor and overall esthetic and seeing these now, I love how they turned out.

I sent these images to Stephany tonight and we picked up right where we left off. She loved them, as do I. I have at least one more set of edits from this shoot to finish so fortunately, we can all look forward to more of Stephany in the next few weeks. For the rest of tonight, I’ll be focusing on Immutable Realms, the EOS zine I’ll be launched soon. I’m in the graphic design phase now, parsing an interview with @gric, which has been a highlight of the project. I can’t wait to share it with all of you. Thanks for reading. Have a great night!



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These are fantastic and have a baroque and vintage feel to them. I can see why you were both sohapy.

These shot are amazing, nice one.

Great work per usual!

Great job, I love the atmosphere, the colors, Greetings

The shots are supper sexy and hot🔥🔥🔥🔥