The Stag beetle male shots 🕷

in Photography Lovers9 months ago


Wow, what a rare sight - a Stag beetle! We spotted one on a huge oak tree, where it seemed to be meditating in stillness. I took the opportunity to snap some photos! I had encountered a stag beetle before, but the shots didn't turn out well as it was in a hurry. By the time we walked back, the beetle was gone...
By the way, did you know how to distinguish between a male and a female stag beetle? Male stag beetles have large, antler-like mandibles, while females have much smaller ones. Males use their "antlers" to fight for territory and mates.

Ого, оце так рідкість - жук-олень! Ми зустріли його на величезному дубі, де він завмер, ніби в медитації. Скористався цією нагодою та пофоткав! Колись я вже зустрічав такого жука, але тоді зйомка вийшла не дуже, бо він поспішав по своїх справах. Коли ми йшли назад, жучка вже не було...
До речі, ви знали, як відрізнити самочку від самця? Самці жука-оленя мають великі, схожі на роги, верхні щелепи, тоді як у самочок вони значно менші. Самці використовують свої "роги" для боротьби за територію та самок.


Here are some interesting facts about these wonderful and rare insects:

Rarity in Nature: The stag beetle is a rare species that is threatened with extinction in many countries due to habitat loss. They require old oak forests for their survival.


Life Cycle: These beetles spend most of their lives (up to 6 years) as larvae, feeding on decaying wood. As adults, they live only a few weeks, typically in the summer.


Ecological Importance: Stag beetles play a crucial role in the ecosystem by helping decompose dead wood, thereby aiding the nutrient cycle in the soil.




How to Preserve Forests and Ecosystems: To protect stag beetles, it's essential to safeguard old forests, especially oak ones, and ensure the presence of decaying wood, which is their primary food source. Maintaining biodiversity by avoiding the excessive use of pesticides and other chemicals is also important.

The stag beetle is a true natural treasure. Let's protect our forests and their inhabitants!

Wishing you the best!

more info:


My goodness bro the way you took the shot of that stag beetle on the oak tree must have been cool and in my opinion though to do. I’ve never seen one in person, but your photos and description make me want to keep an eye out when I go to the woods.

cool bro, thanks for visit and good luck in forest also)

Nice piece 👍 unfortunately I have no luck with them.

Thank you sir 🙏