After passing a number of meanders in its upstream hilly area, it came to this seashore, shedding its luggage. It is a permanent comer there. The sea welcomes it with rising tide. The fresh water that is carried by the river is then mixed with sea water, and the taste of the two becomes unclear, so it is commonly referred to as brackish, and the place where they meet becomes an estuary. The estuary in a small bay in the northernmost part of the island of Sumatra where it is known as Leubok.
The river did not come there alone, but also with the sediments piled up in the seashore. Meanwhile ocean waves have long, for thousands of years, been eroding the rocks near the shoreline. The sedimentary rocks and limestone containing coral and organic fragments are eroded and become small fragments and then smoothed by the waves from time to time. All of that then forms the composition of the seashore sand there. The sand seems to tell about the character of the geological environment there.
Fishermen come to the bay to lay out their trawl and then pull it from the seashore. It is known as land trawl fishing.
One of the fishermen was pulling their trawl, and in the distance was a small rocky hill surrounded by the sea.
A land that protrudes and "comes" to the sea forms a promontory flanking the bay from the east and is known as the Kelindo cape.
A pipe that comes into the sea to suck seawater which is poured into the ponds where shrimp are grown.
The fishermen's boat was anchored near the seashore while they were pulling their trawl.
This seashore can also be a romantic place to come. Taking shelter and relaxing under the trees on the seashore while gazing out to the sea and the small island there can be a romantic moment, or at least, to rest for a while while enjoying the sea breeze.