Lovely photos with amazing lights and colours.
So sorry to hear that you have been ill. I have been too hectic and busy to notice even my own surroundings lately!
Hope that you’ll have a speedy recovery from your illness. B B if you were on Thailand, you would get various alternative options of traditional medicine, Chinese and Thai herbalism healing options and more!
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Thanks so much I got home yesterday
infact they did put off the surgery and tried more b=natural meds to help the body to heal itself which seems it may have worked, need to rest up for a couple of days and with luck its all good
Wow! Good news! So glad they let the body healing by itself with some natural healing process.
Hope you would take this opportunity to strengthen your body with herbal remedies and some alternative medicine.
Good luck and get well soon!
thanks, yes a friend has suggested some herbal supplements to try