DIY Birthday Photoshoot for Matti's First Birthday

It's another DIY Photoshoot for my baby's first birthday. The theme here was rustic and minimalistic. We had a couple of changes to our planned props. First, we took these photos in a location which we didn't even imagine. We were supposed to go home to Bohol a few days ago but because of some unforeseen circumstances, we were not able to go so we had to be resourceful and make use of what's available.


The cake was also overpriced, made by someone whom my brother-in-law knows. If it was made in Bohol, I believe I won't be spending that much on a naked cake.


It was supposed to be a naked cake but the bakery or the specific cafe where the cake was ordered delivered a different one, still, it was usable and the colors fit the theme but it would have been better if it was really a naked cake.


My little one, Matti. Today, I reminisce about the day that I gave birth. It was a day in which I never thought I could endure such pain. His little cries made me alive!

Now, 365 days after, he has grown into this wonderful soul, my sunshine, and the very reason why I could say life is better!





The stuffed lion shared the cake with Matti. He looked worried about it. This was supposed to be a smash cake but then Matti didn't want to touch the cake unlike the previous months where he'd be kicking and punching the cakes.


We also went outdoors, this spot was just five minutes drive away from the house. I am glad that we have this area where we could walk and exercise and enjoy the fresh air.




Happy birthday my little one! Our prayer is for you to know Jesus and make Him known in with your life. Mama and papa loves you!


Happy Birthday

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Ka cute ba!! happy birthday matti