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RE: Early Mornings at the Fortress | Finding Solitude and Inspiration

Oh, these are some stunning visuals! ^^
Yes, I've also noticed this with myself as well, if I start off the day right, nice and early, the quality of the whole day is just so much better. I'm more focused, more driven, and I actually manage to get things done.

Now I wonder.. it must be something related to brain chemistry, but then it begs the question, what is it that 'breaks' in the brain if I 'oversleep' (and by oversleep I mean anything past 7:00)..?

Hope you have an amazing week ahead! ^^



Getting up early and starting the day right is quite enjoyable though, it's not a task for me. Peaceful mornings are nice. But I often make mistake and start scrolling on the phone or doing something else unproductive and then it gets hard to catch up with the day, I feel I'm behind the schedule and give up.

I guess we, who have short attention span, have to pay attention to every detail. Have a great week yourself! :)

Yep, got to lock in! :D