Fotografia Digital | Digital photography
Tengo muchos trabajos fotográficos ya elaborados, desde mi poca trayectoria, quiero compartir este en particular. Se trata de una sesión de paisaje tropical, realizada con mi iPhone 12 el resultado está increíble, desde mi ojo de principiante, la idea de exponer mi trabajo por acá es encontrar personas que también le interese la fotografía y me ayude a crecer con algunos consejos. La fotografía es otra forma de expresar lo que sentimos creo que va muy de la mano con el arte...
Greetings dear community, welcome one more day to a digital photography post, I took these wonderful photos without the intention of uploading them to my blog, but I knew I would be totally selfish by not sharing the beauty of our beloved land Venezuela, it is a true tropical paradise, a boat ride that brightened everyone's eyes and left us wanting to see more, and of course wanting to return very soon, the crystal clear waters of this, the beautiful landscape, the friendliness of the people are what make it a pleasant place for anyone who decides to visit these dream places...
I have many photographic works already prepared, from my short career, I want to share this one in particular. It is a tropical landscape session, done with my iPhone 12, the result is incredible, from my beginner's eye, the idea of exhibiting my work here is to find people who are also interested in photography and help me grow with some advice . Photography is another way to express what we feel, I think it goes hand in hand with art...
¡Espero te guste! | I hope you like!
Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación

Materiales | Materials
- IPhone 12
- Tableta Huion H950P
- IPhone 12
- Tablet Huion H950P
Proceso | Process
Este paraíso está ubicado al oriente de nuestro país Venezuela, nuestra para inicial o donde llegamos en si era la playa colorada en el estado Sucre (Parque nacional Mochima):
This paradise is located in the east of our country Venezuela, our initial destination or where we arrived was the Colorado Beach in the state of Sucre (Mochima National Park).:

Ya conocía este lugar, he ido muchas veces es una de mis playas favoritas, soy del estado Guárico vivo aislado de las playas disfruto mucho cada vez que voy, muero por ir para Chichiriviche, pero es más complicado y costoso para ese lado del país, es por esa razón que voy más a menudo para las del oriente del país he ido a varias pero colorada en particular es mi favorita, sus aguas son frescas y su gente maravillosa.
I already knew this place, I have been there many times, it is one of my favorite beaches, I am from the Guárico state, I live isolated from the beaches, I really enjoy every time I go, I am dying to go to Chichiriviche, but it is more complicated and expensive for that side of the country, It is for this reason that I go more often to those in the east of the country. I have been to several, but Colorado in particular is my favorite, its waters are fresh and its people are wonderful.
De todas las veces que fui nunca había dado un paseo en lancha, todo lo que me estaba perdiendo (es maravilloso):
Of all the times I went I had never taken a boat ride, everything I was missing (it's wonderful):

La foto anterior soy yo jaja, lo más triste de todo el viaje es no tener quien te tome fotos con tu mismo ojo fotográfico😂, ahora sí observemos la belleza del paseo en lancha donde consegui fotos maravillosas, eran islas con diferentes nombres, isla piscina fue el nombre que quedó en mi mente clavado su belleza es incomparable, podía ver el arrecife y peces desde la lancha hasta el fondo era increíble, durante el viaje muchas tonalidades de colores desde el azul profundo del mar hasta un verde cristalino soñado:
The previous photo is me haha, the saddest thing about the entire trip is not having someone to take photos of you with your own photographic eye😂, now let's observe the beauty of the boat ride where I got wonderful photos, they were islands with different names, pool island It was the name that stuck in my mind, its beauty is incomparable, I could see the reef and fish from the boat to the bottom, it was incredible, during the trip many shades of colors from the deep blue of the sea to a dreamy crystalline green:

Obtuvimos un resultado increible disfrute mucho del proceso de creacion. Espero les haya gustado lo he elaborado con cariño para todos los espectadores que visitan esta publicacion, nos vemos en la próxima 😍
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍
Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación
Materiales | Materials
- IPhone 12
- Tableta Huion H950P
- IPhone 12
- Tablet Huion H950P
Proceso | Process
This paradise is located in the east of our country Venezuela, our initial destination or where we arrived was the Colorado Beach in the state of Sucre (Mochima National Park).:
I already knew this place, I have been there many times, it is one of my favorite beaches, I am from the Guárico state, I live isolated from the beaches, I really enjoy every time I go, I am dying to go to Chichiriviche, but it is more complicated and expensive for that side of the country, It is for this reason that I go more often to those in the east of the country. I have been to several, but Colorado in particular is my favorite, its waters are fresh and its people are wonderful.
Of all the times I went I had never taken a boat ride, everything I was missing (it's wonderful):
The previous photo is me haha, the saddest thing about the entire trip is not having someone to take photos of you with your own photographic eye😂, now let's observe the beauty of the boat ride where I got wonderful photos, they were islands with different names, pool island It was the name that stuck in my mind, its beauty is incomparable, I could see the reef and fish from the boat to the bottom, it was incredible, during the trip many shades of colors from the deep blue of the sea to a dreamy crystalline green:
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍
Your shots are amazing, friend.
I'm glad you like them ✨🫡
Thank you so much @ewkaw @qurator 🫶🏾
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