Fotografia Digital | Digital photography
Tengo muchos trabajos fotográficos ya elaborados, desde mi poca trayectoria, quiero compartir este en particular. El lugar es al oriente del país, mi visita fue a playa arapito, ubicada en el parque nacional Mochima del estado Sucre...
Greetings dear community, welcome one more day to a digital photography post, I am a nature lover, the mountains and the sea are my favorites Venezuela has beautiful landscapes that I hope to get to know for a while, the beaches in the east of the country have some incredible landscapes and I have managed to capture it on camera and enjoy the good view, it is amazing...
I have many photographic works already prepared, from my short career, I want to share this one in particular. The place is in the east of the country, my visit was to Playa Arapito, located in the Mochima National Park in the state of Sucre...
¡Espero te guste! | I hope you like!
Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación

Materiales | Materials
- IPhone 12
- Tableta Huion H950P
- IPhone 12
- Tablet Huion H950P
Proceso | Process
La playa donde llegamos primera vez que voy antes estaba un poco descuidada por lo que vi en redes sociales pero decidí darle una oportunidad y visitarla, la recuperación fue mucha, se veía realmente hermosa...
The beach where we arrived for the first time I went before was a little neglected from what I saw on social networks but I decided to give it a chance and visit it, the recovery was great, it looked really beautiful...

La playa estaba muy bien pero el verdadero placer óptica lo tuve en un paseo que me dejó enamorado, el clima estaba algo nublado por la temporada de lluvias pero aún así no dejo de ser hermosa y perfecta la vista que ofrece ese lugar paradisíaco...
The beach was very good but the real optical pleasure I had was on a walk that left me in love, the weather was somewhat cloudy due to the rainy season but even so the view that this paradisiacal place offers was still beautiful and perfect...

Durante el recorrido, Tomé muchas fotografías y mientras lo hacía vi saltar delfines 🥹 estaba muy emocionado, era mi primera vez mirando delfines lástima que fue tan grande mi emoción que no pude captar ninguno en cámara 🥹
During the tour, I took many photographs and while doing so I saw dolphins jumping 🥹 I was very excited, it was my first time seeing dolphins, it's a shame that my excitement was so great that I couldn't capture any on camera 🥹
Ya tenia las fotografías perfectas solo quedaba editar, los resultados eran muy buenos para la edición use solamente corrección de color en Lightroom, siento que era suficiente porque las fotos ya estaban muy bien, aunque la corrección de color le dio el toque que esperaba y así simulamos la falta de luz natural…
All that was left was to edit, the results were very good for editing, I only used color correction in Lightroom, I feel that it was enough because the photos were already very good, although the color correction gave it the touch I expected and in this way we simulated the lack of light natural…

Obtuvimos un resultado increible disfrute mucho del proceso de creacion. Espero les haya gustado lo he elaborado con cariño para todos los espectadores que visitan esta publicacion, nos vemos en la próxima 😍
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍
Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación
Materiales | Materials
- IPhone 12
- Tableta Huion H950P
- IPhone 12
- Tablet Huion H950P
Proceso | Process
The beach where we arrived for the first time I went before was a little neglected from what I saw on social networks but I decided to give it a chance and visit it, the recovery was great, it looked really beautiful...
The beach was very good but the real optical pleasure I had was on a walk that left me in love, the weather was somewhat cloudy due to the rainy season but even so the view that this paradisiacal place offers was still beautiful and perfect...
During the tour, I took many photographs and while doing so I saw dolphins jumping 🥹 I was very excited, it was my first time seeing dolphins, it's a shame that my excitement was so great that I couldn't capture any on camera 🥹
All that was left was to edit, the results were very good for editing, I only used color correction in Lightroom, I feel that it was enough because the photos were already very good, although the color correction gave it the touch I expected and in this way we simulated the lack of light natural…
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍
A very good selection of photos, but I liked the photos with rocks in the sea the most
They are my favorites too, thank you very much for your comment.
You're welcome)
The place is very beautiful, the birds look very happy flying and dancing in the air between the small islands.
Thanks friend, the birds make it really magical ✨
Excelente fotografía
Muchas gracias✨