Fotografia Digital | Digital photography
Tengo muchos trabajos fotográficos ya elaborados, desde mi poca trayectoria, quiero compartir este en particular. Se trata de una sesión de 15 años, esto fue tan hermoso todo estuvo muy bien elaborado, acompáñame a conocer un poco de lo que fue esta sesión…
Greetings dear community, welcome one more day to a digital photography post, the 15 year old photographs are some of my favorites, I feel that they have a lot of history to tell and are one of the most important to remember, the age of transformation, they are The caterpillar finally transforms into a butterfly...
I have many photographic works already prepared, from my short career, I want to share this one in particular. This is a 15-year session, this was so beautiful, everything was very well prepared, come with me to learn a little about what this session was like…
¡Espero te guste! | I hope you like!
Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación

Materiales | Materials
- IPhone 12
- Tableta Huion H950P
- IPhone 12
- Tablet Huion H950P
Proceso | Process
Lo primero que pregunto para este tipo de sesiones es que si la quinceañera lleva vestido, es la parte más emocionante cuando responden que si, este tipo de fotos me encanta elaborarlas al aire libre donde el cielo la naturaleza y la modelo hagan una armónica combinación...
The first thing I ask for this type of sessions is that if the quinceañera is wearing a dress, it is the most exciting part when they answer yes, I love taking these types of photos outdoors where the sky, nature and the model make a harmonious combination. ..
Hay pocos lugares en mi pueblo para siempre hay un rincón donde podemos sacar fotos asombrosas de ensueños, la hora dorada es la perfecta pero en esta ocasión estábamos del lado opuesto del atardecer🥲
There are few places in my town where there is always a corner where we can take amazing dream photos, the golden hour is perfect but on this occasion we were on the opposite side of the sunset🥲
Los colores del vestido combinaban perfecto era una sesión de armónicos colores la modelo se desenvolvía muy bien con las poses eso ayudó a agilizar la sesión y a obtener estos resultados hermosos 😻
The colors of the dress matched perfectly, it was a session of harmonious colors. The model performed very well with the poses, which helped speed up the session and obtain these beautiful results 😻:

Ya quedaba solo editar los resultados eran muy buenos para la edición use solamente corrección de color en Lightroom, siento que era suficiente porque las fotos ya estaban muy bien, aunque la corrección de color le dio el toque que esperaba y así simulamos la falta de luz natural…
All that was left was to edit, the results were very good for editing, I only used color correction in Lightroom, I feel that it was enough because the photos were already very good, although the color correction gave it the touch I expected and in this way we simulated the lack of light natural…

Obtuvimos un resultado increible disfrute mucho del proceso de creacion. Espero les haya gustado lo he elaborado con cariño para todos los espectadores que visitan esta publicacion, nos vemos en la próxima 😍
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍
Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación
Materiales | Materials
- IPhone 12
- Tableta Huion H950P
- IPhone 12
- Tablet Huion H950P
Proceso | Process
The first thing I ask for this type of sessions is that if the quinceañera is wearing a dress, it is the most exciting part when they answer yes, I love taking these types of photos outdoors where the sky, nature and the model make a harmonious combination. ..
There are few places in my town where there is always a corner where we can take amazing dream photos, the golden hour is perfect but on this occasion we were on the opposite side of the sunset🥲
The colors of the dress matched perfectly, it was a session of harmonious colors. The model performed very well with the poses, which helped speed up the session and obtain these beautiful results 😻:
All that was left was to edit, the results were very good for editing, I only used color correction in Lightroom, I feel that it was enough because the photos were already very good, although the color correction gave it the touch I expected and in this way we simulated the lack of light natural…
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍
the results are good, if the sky in the last picture was blue then the picture would be even more beautiful. good job👍
hey thanks for your comment, I was hoping the sky would stay blue😅