Happy Sunday friends, today I'm so, but so excited about the session I want to show you because you can't imagine all the work and love I put into these photos, you can't imagine it but that's why I'm here, to show you each result and to tell you about the whole process, but first of all I hope you are super cool and also that you can join me to see and feel part of the process. Well friends, for these conceptual photos that I wanted to make I needed one of my muses Mavi, an accomplice when I have super crazy ideas that helps me to carry them out and puts all her good vibes and willingness to make everything go great, in my mind was to take some pictures like in a complete green area and as always when something gets in my head I try to capture it as close to what I imagine being faithful to my mind because something I have learned a lot is to be true to my ideas, to go a little out of the norm of everyday life and always try to be an innovative photographer that is why many distinguish my work and I am very happy that it is so, the point was to make a bandana also on the head that looked with an aura as well as outside, foreign, something like that, part of the costume although in my mind was to do it in a way at the time of creating it some things change to make it look better clearly, from thinking about it in one piece we went to two so that Mavi as a model would have more flexibility at the time of making the poses and although at first we wanted something retro but editorial, in the end we decided that it was something more inspired by fashion and we loved how it turned out, I really had never done anything like this and I'm super super proud of this result.
Feliz domingo amigos, el dia de hoy estoy tan, pero tan emocionado por la sesión que quiero mostrarles porque no se imaginan todo el trabajo y el amor que le puse a estas fotos, no se lo imaginan pero para eso estoy acá, para mostrarles cada resultado y para contarles todo el proceso, pero ante todo espero esten super genial y tambien que puedan acompañarme a ver y que se sientan parte del proceso. Bien amigos, para estas fotos conceptuales que quise realizar necesitaba a una de mis musas Mavi, una cómplice cuando tengo ideas super locas que me ayuda a llevarlas a cabo y pone toda su buena vibra y disposición para que todo salga genial, en mi mente estaba hacer unas fotos como en un área verde completo y como siempre cuando algo se me mete en la cabeza intento plasmarlo lo más apegado a lo que imagine siendole fiel a mi mente porque algo que he aprendido mucho es a ser fiel a mis ideas, salir un poco de la normativa de lo cotidiano y siempre tratar de ser un fotógrafo innovador que se que es por eso que muchos distinguen mi trabajo y a mi me da muchisimo gusto que asi sea, el punto era hacer una bandana tambien en la cabeza que se viera con un aura asi como exterior, extranjero, algo asi, parte del vestuario aunque en mi mente estaba hacerlo de una forma al momento de crearlo algunas cosas cambian para que se vea mejor claramente, de pensarlo en una pieza pasamos a dos para que Mavi como modelo tuviese más flexibilidad al momento de hacer las poses y aunque a primera instancia queríamos algo retro pero editorial, al final decidimos que fuese algo más inspirado en moda y nos encantó como quedó, de verdad que jamás había hecho algo asi y estoy super super orgulloso de este resultado.
I'm a photographer, I'm not a stylist or fashion designer and nothing like that, my thing is photography but this time I had to try to reincarnate and find my hidden skills of designer and modeler to create this concept which at first I really feel that it would be a piece of cake just use the costume as the main piece and the rest was already gesturing and the point was also to look like outside in a place that people in my city knew but did not look like, something like that hahaha really my mind did not measure those degrees of difficulty that there could be and there were at the time of posing hahaha when I was doing this what I was thinking was "what trouble did I get into? "hahaha but I wasn't going to give up friends and thank goodness I didn't because I reiterate again that I am proud of the result. I won't lie to you when I tell you that it really has its degree of difficulty just to pose and make a diverse session that even to get that we used external hands hahaha and all that, there are always details and to tell you that we even used some lenses for the photos and it was incredible, it was worth it.
Yo soy fotógrafo, no soy ni estilista ni diseñador de moda y nada de eso, lo mío es la fotografía pero esta vez tenía que intentar reencarnar y encontrar mis habilidades ocultas de diseñador y modelista para crear este concepto el cual al principio de verdad siento que sería pan comido solo usar el vestuario como pieza principal y el resto ya era gestualizar y el punto tambien era que pareciera de afuera en un lugar que las personas de mi ciudad conocieran pero no pareciera, algo asi jajaja de verdad mi mente no midió esos grados de dificultad que podían haber y hubieron al momento de posar jajaja cuando estaba haciendo esto lo que pensaba era en "¿en qué problema me metí?" jajaja pero no me iba a rendir amigos y menos mal que no lo hice porque reitero nuevamente que esto orgulloso del resultado. No les mentire al decirles que de verdad si tiene su grado de dificultad solo para posar y hacer diversa una sesion que hasta para conseguir eso usamos manos externas jajaja y todo eso, siempre salen detalles y con decirles que hasta unos lentes usamos para las fotos y quedo increible, valio toda la pena.
As always friends I really hope you like these photos and if you do please let me know, it is important to me and without further ado I send all the good vibes to you, until next time my friends, have a nice Sunday and have a great start of the week.
Como siempre amigos de verdad espero estas fotos les gusten muchisimo y si es asi por favor haganmelo saber, es importante para mi y sin mas les envio toda la buena vibra a ustedes, hasta la próxima amigos míos, que pasen un bonito domingo y tengas un gran inicio de semana.
Objetivo Canon: 18-55mm
Programa de edición: Adobe Photoshop CS6
Canon Lens: 18-55mm
Editing program: Adobe Photoshop CS6</center
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I love the focus and depth of field you achieve in these shots!
Thank you so much, I love that too!!!
Just awesome. I am actually at a loss for words of appreciation. I love every style and every photography. Thanks for sharing the experience
Thank you very much, I appreciate reading it and knowing that it is so, greetings!
You are most we ... Thanks for your best reply.
These pictures are stunning, straight to the point. They are very simple to the eyes, love 💕💕.
Thanks for sharing 🦋🦋📸
Thank you very much, what a pleasure to read you.
beautiful photos!!! great job!