4 Fotos que domaran tu mente || 4 Photos that will tame your mind

Hola a todos, hoy sin preámbulos traigo 3 fotos que a mi en lo personal me dejaron hipnotizado debido a su gran profundidad, observen con cuidado y díganme que causan en ustedes (fueron tomadas por mi).

Hello everyone, today without preamble I bring 3 photos that personally left me hypnotized due to their great depth, look carefully and tell me what they cause in you (they were taken by me).



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Recuerdo que esta foto la hice durante una actividad de jovenes de la iglesia a la que yo asistía cuando me encontraba en Venezuela, fue en una cancha de futbol que estaba cerca de mi casa, solo vi ese paisaje con mis ojos y dije "hora de capturar".

I remember that I took this photo during a youth activity of the church that I attended when I was in Venezuela, it was on a soccer field that was near my house, I only saw that landscape with my eyes and I said "time to capture".




Esta fotografía fue en una de las playas cerca de mi casa, para ser mas exactos, en una playa donde es peligroso estar debido a que roban personas que se encuentren allí, pero ese día fui simplemente a grabar un video motivador de mi hermano y pues aproveche que ya estábamos allí para hacer esta foto, y como nunca falta llegaron dos policías en ese momento a interrogarnos, pero por alguna razón no me parecían policías, creo que eran ladrones disfrazados, pero gracias a Dios habia algo de gente cerca así que no nos hicieron nada y me fui con esta obra de arte en mis manos.

This photograph was on one of the beaches near my house, to be more exact, on a beach where it is dangerous to be because people who are there are robbed, but that day I simply went to record a motivational video of my brother and then I took advantage of the fact that we were already there to take this photo, and as there are never missing two policemen arrived at that moment to question us, but for some reason they did not seem like policemen, I think they were robbers in disguise, but thank God there were some people nearby so no They did nothing to us and I left with this work of art in my hands.




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¿Alguna vez viste una nube gigante cambiar de color mientras avanza y el sol escondiéndose al mismo tiempo? Bueno si no lo has visto te lo comparto, tuve el privilegio divino de verlo y capturarlo, el como se ponía cada vez mas rojiza a cada segundo me hizo pensar en un fénix encendiendo su cuerpo en fuego.

Have you ever seen a giant cloud change color while moving forward and the sun setting at the same time? Well if you haven't seen it I'll share it with you, I had the divine privilege of seeing it and capturing it, the way it got more and more reddish every second made me think of a phoenix lighting his body on fire.

Espero te hayan gustado mis fotos, espero tu opinión.

I hope you liked my photos, I await your opinion.


Those are some interesting images, I really like the way you capture a nice mix of light and darkness.

Thank you, I appreciate that you liked it, I hope to continue seeing more landscapes like that to capture them.

excelente trabajo me encanto cada foto <3

Hola, me agrada que te hayan gustado mis fotos, espero poder capturar mas para mostrarlas.