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RE: Saturday Afternoon With the Moon

I appreciate this ultimate sacrifice. You will be remembered, oh great one. There will be songs about you and your glorious life, your round eyes and pointy hair. Future generations will dedicate a day for you and as soon as I'm able to collect enough funds, a statue will be built for you. Many statues around the world. I will now start accepting donations and inheritances and am grateful if added to wills.


How generous of you. I would like to request that the statues be numerous enough so that if any single one is tipped over anywhere in the world it will topple into another one, setting off a chain reaction where all statues fall like dominos crushing as many humans as possible in the process.

Your wish is my command. Send me a message when you're dead. Do I need an Ouija board or can you just tweet me or something? Or tell Otherbrandt tag me when he visits your grave and makes a post about it.

I'll just add you on MySpace when I get to hell. Talk soon.

One wish though, can the soon not be that soon, the talk after death I mean, and the actual death too, I haven't gotten any donations yet and I wanna make the statues look really, really, really good, like make them from gold and diamonds and other expensive sparkly stuff but what I now can do, at best, is to collect all the bubblegum I've chewed and make something out of that and that's pretty desperate by all standards, even mine.

I didn't know my space is in hell. Or is it the other way around, hell is in MySpace. Well, didn't know that either.

I think the way to look at it is, they have plenty of space in hell for anyone who wants to make their place in hell.

I suppose I can delay my suicide for a few days, or however long it takes for those donations to start rolling in.

Excellent! I'll start making flyers! And soon I'll also be knocking on doors asking people if they've heard about my space in hell. And ask for donations for domino statues. I'll get back to you when I have collected enough.