Hello photo and architect lovers, and I also need to ad cat lovers to that.
Here are some random pictures I took on the airport of Marrakesh Morocco.
While waiting in line to get into the airport, I already saw the nice facade of the building. The shapes probably also have a function to prevent the heat coming in but I am not that kind of a archi lover.
Inside the facade is very beautiful visible. I love that the reflections in visible in the floor.
Not all of them are open, does that prevent the sunlight from entering? It can be hot out here in summer.
I had no idea if taking pictures was aloud in here. I really wanted to use my camera but I just took these pictures with my telephone.
And than all of a sudden there was this airport pet running around. This kitty wasn't afraid of nobody. Very cool to see that she got a lot of attention. I hope she gets enough food inside here. She doesnt look that skinny so I think she will be okay.
That was my first time seeing a cat in the airport. I hope she get's a lot of love in there.
Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Travelfeed profile!
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Hehe cute cat!
The building looks really beautiful though, the design is just stunning. And the kitty, ong, so cute. I hope that cutie is getting a lot of love and treats from every hooman out there.
She gets a lot of attention over there 🥰
seems like a modern airport
oh i hope that cat is fine
It's a cuttie. They take food care of here
So cute😍🐈
#hive #posh
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