Utah by Moon Light
In August last year, you started seeing some Light Painting content from the Moab Meteor Jam.. During our first night, I got these cool Camera Rotation Light Paintings. This is mostly experimental as we started playing around looking at this cool formation in the full moonlight looking south.
Seit August letzten Jahres habt Ihr ja nun schon einige Light Paintings vom Moab Meteor Jam zu sehen bekommen. In unserer ersten Nacht gabs dann auch gleich diese coolen Camera Rotation Light Paintings. Die waren eher experimentell, als wir anfingen, herumzuspielen. Diese coole Felsformation im Vollmondlicht mit Blick nach Süden einzufangen war schon was.
Just a bit more colors - What were the settings?
The images you see are 25 and 30 seconds-long single-exposure time photographs. The camera was set to ISO 1250 and the Laowa 12mm Zero D F2.8 Lens was set to F2.8.
Die ersten beiden Aufnahmen hier sind einzel Aufnahmen von etwa 25 sec. bis 30 Sekunden Belichtungszeit. Die Kamera war auf ISO 1250 und das Laowa 12mm Zero D F2.8 Objektiv war auf F2.8.
There was an additional car as a Light Painting feature.
What - how?
These images are relatively simply to create. I set the camera horizontal and exposed about 10 seconds while shedding some red and then after turning the camera 180° with the blue light. The clouds and the grass give some texture to the foreground and make it more interesting this way.
Diese Bilder sind relativ einfach gewesen. Die Kamera war erst horizontal eingestellt und 10 Sekunden lang belichtet, während ich etwas Rot in den Vordergrung gab, und dann, nachdem ich die Kamera um 180 ° drehte, gabs noch bisschen Blau und fertig. Die Wolken und das Gras verleihen dem Vordergrund noch mehr Textur und machen so alles cooler.
Camera Rotation is what?
I just love this technique so much. As I have shared with you in so many of my posts on the topic of Camera Rotation. Yes, it is just what the name tells you. The camera is being rotated during the exposure, sometimes in steps sometimes in a continuous motion while doing so I also light up the scene.
Prinzip Kamera Rotation Light Painting?
Ich machs halt gerne. Wie in einigen meiner Posts für euch schon beschrieben ist Kamera Rotation Fotografie genau was der Name schon meint. Die Kamera wird einfach während der Belichtung gedreht und dabei wird das Subjekt ausgeleuchtet.
For these Camera Rotation I used the tool on the right.
Das Camera Rotation Tool rechts war was Ich für diese Bilder nutzte.
If you are interested in more of this photography technique, there is an article on my website and here on Hive as a blog post.
Link below:
Neugierig dann schaut doch mal auf meiner Seite vorbei? Interesse an Kamera Rotationen, hier ist mein Beitrag als Inspiration. Den Artikel gibt es natürlich auf meiner Website und hier auf Hive als Blogbeitrag.
Here you can also find your inspirational Camera Rotation images published here on my website and here on Hive as a blog post.
I hope you found these images inspirational. If you have more questions please do not hesitate to ask. I am happy to share my knowledge.
If you think this is Spam, why did you read this far, and why the fuck bother you? Move on from your self-righteous mind state and bury yourself. Don't bother about what others may find interesting. Just stay in your bubble and ...
All there is left to say is Cheer Up!

Gunnar Heilmann Photography
If you are interested in more of my art please also see the following:
My NFT'S on Rarible
Website YouTube Facebook Page Instagram Feed
Since I am one of the co-founders of the LightPainters project, I also help and support the Light Painting community as a curator - not only on the Hive.
We are Light Painters

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How to delegate?
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All the Hive Power will help to upvote the artist's contribution as part of the LightPainters community.
I am super happy that more and more find their way here into the hive.If you feel like light painting could be interesting for you, feel free to check out this crazy bunch at LightPainters on Hive: @lichtkunstfoto, @stepko, @ryuslightworks, @marlasinger666, @lightandlense, @fastchrisuk @fadetoblack, @maxpateau, @lightstabeu, @yo-hoho, @oddballgraphics, @lacelight, @martbarras, @candelart & @rod.evans.visual
Thank you so much!
Sehr cool mein Bester.
Ich war erst gar nicht so sicher. Hatte die schon laaaange... Gut für einen Donnerstag 😎
Cool, interessante Ergebnisse 😎
Daaanke 😎 Nicht so extravagant und komplex wie du es gern so machst.
Bitte? Was soll dat denn heißen? 🤔
I like the second one with the stop sign more obvious and those colours.
Have a nice day 👋🏻😊That’s so cool, great work @gunnarheilmann 😎
I wasnt so sure about this set. Had them for a long while and did not feel right till now 🤭
Sometimes it changes after a while. I’m glad you posted them now. 😊
Yay! 🤗
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Those results are absolutely fantastic!
Thank you so much .. Super happy about the reactions. 😎
Awesome shots! Thanks for sharing here with us.
Thank you for your support and encuragement 🙏