Send me an Angel!
Creating wings in Light Painting is a total thing. People build special tools just for that purpose. So did I in 2016. Here I had a look at the data from back then and I wanted to see what else is there. Lightroom has advanced and the Noise-reduction works so nicely now it was all worth looking at this old folder again.
Flügel in Light Paintings zu kreieren, ist total angesagt. Leute bauen sich dafür extra Tools – genau wie ich 2016. Jetzt hab ich mir die Daten von damals nochmal angeschaut, um zu sehen, was noch so dabei ist. Lightroom ist inzwischen richtig weit, und die Rauschreduzierung funktioniert so gut, dass es sich definitiv gelohnt hat, diesen alten Ordner nochmal zu durchstöbern.
Give her wings of light!
Light Wings? Sure! I moved a pretty long plexiglass tool behind her in a circular fashion (the torch in strobe mode). Doing this in two areas on each arm. this way I got the concept of the wings. Later I upgraded the tool for more realistic wings. There was a post about that way, way back.
This light painting was done at ISO 100 with the lens set to F4 with a single exposure of 43 seconds.
Hier hab Ich ein langes Plexiglas-Tool hinter ihr in einer kreisförmigen Bewegung bewegt (die Taschenlampe im Strobe-Modus). Das Ganze habe ich an beiden Armen gemacht. Später habe ich das Tool aufgerüstet, für mehr realistischere Flügel. Dazu gab’s mal einen Post vor langer Zeit.
Hier habe ich wie oft in ISO100 gearbeitet und das Objektiv war auf F4 für 43 Sekunden offen.
This was actually the first test run and she still had this colorful jacket on that you see creating these colorful effects.
Das hier war tatsächlich der erste Testlauf, und sie hatte noch diese bunte Jacke an, die für die coolen farbenfrohen Effekte sorgte.
I hope you found the story interesting and these images inspirational. If you have more questions please do not hesitate. I am happy to share my knowledge.
If you think this is Spam, why did you read this far, and why the fuck bother you? Move on from your self-righteous mind state and bury yourself. Don't bother about what others may find interesting. Just stay in your bubble and ...
Cheer Up, Guys!

Gunnar Heilmann Photography
If you are interested in more of my art please also see:
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Since I am one of the co-founders of the LightPainters project, I also help and support the Light Painting community as a curator - not only on the Hive.
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All the Hive Power will help to upvote the artist's contribution as part of the LightPainters community.
I am super happy that more and more find their way here into the hive.If you feel like light painting could be interesting for you, feel free to check out this crazy bunch at LightPainters on Hive: @lichtkunstfoto, @stepko, @candelart, @ryuslightworks, @marlasinger666, @lightandlense, @fastchrisuk @fadetoblack, @maxpateau, @lightstabeu, @yo-hoho, @oddballgraphics, @lacelight, @martbarras & @rod.evans.visual @dawnoner
Thank you so much!
Sehr schöne Flügel die du da gezaubert hast. 😊
Und das damals... wir hatten ja nix. Leider ist mir das Ding irgendwann durchgebrochen.
Oh blöd, nicht zu reparieren?
Ja, ich erinnere mich, ihr hattet wirklich nix, nicht mal Knäckebrot. 🥸
These are really fantastic!
I got it to use for a few shots. But it eventually broke apart, and I think I will have to build a new set.
Sending Love and Ecency Curation Vote!
Follow Eceny's curation trail to earn better APR on your own HP. : )
Hmmm! Beautiful
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