No more Galanthus - Light Painting Schneeglöckchen flowers Part II.

in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)

Now it is April and there are many more flowers but no more Galanthus

My sister gifted me some Snowdrops and I had them for a while on the balcony, but now they're gone for good. Here I share with you the last shots of the bunch I had.

As I mentioned before these flowers are super fascinating as they are famous as indicators of spring. Often they would even be piercing through the white snow and show. That did not happen this year in Berlin, because there was not much snow so late.

Meine Schwester wusste, dass ich Schneglöckchen liebe, drum brachte sie mir in Bündel geschenkt und dann waren die für eine Weile auf meinem Balkon. Natürlich habe ich die gelightpaintet wie Ihr sicher schon in dem anderen Beitrag gesehen habt.

Ich finde diese kleinen Blumen einfach sehr cool, allein das die auch manchmal durch den Schnee kommen is schon Grund genug.


Since there was no snow I had to create some kind of effect to simulate it. That was of course done with the fiber optic brush as always. Then of course I could not resist also spinning them. So I did do some Camera Rotation Light Paintings as I do lately a lot.

Da es keinen Schnee gab, musste ich eine Art-Schnee Effekt erzeugen. Das wurde natürlich wie immer mit der Fiberbrusch erledigt. Dann konnte ich natürlich nicht widerstehen alles mal 360° zu drehen. Also habe ich einige Camera Rotation Light Paintings gemacht, wie ich es in letzter Zeit oft mache.

All of these Photos are single-exposure Light Paintings. No Photoshop effects added!



What were the settings for the first two shots?

What you see is the featured Light Painting is a single 117 and the 2nd shot 133 second exposure time Light Painting. The camera was always set to ISO 100 and the Sigma 105mm Macro Lens to F20

Was Ihr als Cover Light Painting seht ist eine einzige Aufnahme mit 117s und das zweite Foto 133s Belichtungszeit. Die Kamera war auf ISO 100 und das Sigma 105mm Macro Objektiv auf F20 eingestellt.


First, the setup and a simple Light Painting to test the conditions.


What happened here?

I started with the entire pot as you can see here. Simply brushing with a light scanner across the flowers to see how it reflects.

Zuerst habe Ich natürlich einfach mal den ganzen Topf vor die Kamera gestellt und bin mit einem Scanner drüber um zu sehen wie es reflektiert.

That's what that looks like.



Then I reduced the set to just a hand full of flowers and repeated the same plus a simple rotation is four 90° steps.

Dann habe ich mal nur die fünf schönsten Blumen in einen Eierbecher getan und had auch die mal eingeleuchtet. Dann natürlich gedreht. Hier is dann mal die einfache Drehung in 90° Schritten.


Turned out pretty cool I guess. What do you think?

Ist doch ganz gut geworden. Was denkt Ihr?


Are you interested to find out more about this photography technique? How to set up the camera or just want to see more examples and details? If so feel free to visit my website for a more detailed explanation of the method Camera Rotation and some examples


I hope you found these images inspirational. If you have more questions please do not hesitate. I am happy to share my knowledge.

If you think this is Spam, why did you read this far and why the fuck bother! Move on from your self-righteous mind state and bury yourself. Don't bother about what others may find interesting. Just stay in your bubble and ...


Gunnar Heilmann Photography

If you are interested in more of my art please also see:
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Thank you so much!


Wow complimenti!!!!!
Ti auguro una buona giornata

Thank you so much, my dear @luba555. Glad you like it so much 🙏
Greetings from Berlin

Grazie ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Saluti dall' Italia

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