Art of Human Flight - Indoor Sky Diving Arts & Sports Event

in Photography Lovers10 months ago (edited)

Years in the making now finally it happened. Anna got her first Artistic Sports Fusion Event. Bringing Art and Extreemsports together in one place.

The Art of Human Flight! Art meets Indoor Skydiving at the Hurrican Factory Wind Tunnel in Berlin. Good friend and adventurer at heart, Anna Galperin has been building up the concept for a few years now. Bringing artists and all kinds of creatives into the tunnel. Merging and Blending millions of ideas into a new format the night of the 15th of May was the first of its kind.

If you remember some time ago Anna and I created some Light Paintings in the wind tunnel. Two of these Light Paintings, curated by Anna were shown at the Hurricane alongside other artists.

The Art of Human Flight! Kunst trifft auf Indoor-Skydiving im Windtunnel der Hurricane Factory in Berlin. Meine gute Freundin und Abenteurerin Anna Galperin arbeitete seit ein paar Jahren an diesem Konzept. Nun hat es endlich geklappt. Anna brachte eine Reihe von ausgewählten Künstler in den Tunnel. Millionen von Ideen verschmelzen und mischen sich zu einem neuen Format. Die Nacht des 15. Mai war die erste ihrer Art.

Vor einiger Zeit hatten Anna und ein paar Light Paintings im Windtunnel kreiert, Zwei dieser Lichtmalereien wurden nun hier neben anderen Künstlern gezeigt.

Anna guided us wonderfully through the night. The audience got to see multiple performances every 90 minutes. The exciting aspect of the event was the dynamic blend of artistic performances inside the wind tunnel and outside all around.

Anna hat uns wunderbar durch die Nacht geführt. Das Publikum konnte alle 90 Minuten mehrere Aufführungen sehen. Das Spannende an der Veranstaltung war die dynamische Mischung aus künstlerischen Darbietungen im Windtunnel und draußen rundherum.


Have a closer look, and you see two of my images were hung up along the windows.

Schaut genauer hin, und Ihr sieht, dass zwei meiner Bilder entlang der Fenstern aufgehängt wurden.


Here is also one of my favorites of our creative collaboration.

The audience had the pleasure to get to know all the artists and performers of the night. Anna made sure we all became a part of the story. Only then to enjoy the merger of arts like music and photography with the performative aspects of the sport of skydiving.

Das Publikum hatte das Vergnügen, alle Künstler und Performer des Abends kennenzulernen. Anna sorgte dafür, dass wir alle Teil der Geschichte wurden und verwob die visuellen und performativen Aspekte des Indoorskydiving mit Fotografie und Musik.

Sunset Flight Performance

As the sun was setting later during the show, the Light was right behind the performer. how cool does it get for a Light Artist like me!


Als die Sonne später während der Show unterging, war das Licht direkt hinter dem Performer. Cooler gehts nicht für einen Light Painter.

Thank you Anna for letting me be part of this event!

You can review all the creative works here: the original article with a lot of the images.

Thank you
for your attention

Thank you Team Hurrican Factory Berlin!


I hope you found the story somewhat interesting and these images inspirational. If you have more questions please do not hesitate. I am happy to share my knowledge.

If you think this is Spam, why did you read this far, and why the fuck bother you? Move on from your self-righteous mind state and bury yourself. Don't bother about what others may find interesting. Just stay in your bubble and ...

Cheer Up, Guys!


Gunnar Heilmann Photography

If you are interested in more of my art please also see:
My NFT'S on Rarible
Website YouTube Facebook Page Instagram Feed


Since I am one of the co-founders of the LightPainters project, I also help and support the Light Painting community as a curator - not only on the Hive.

We are Light Painters

To help and support the LightPainters community here on Hive I would appreciate your delegation of HivePower. Any amount is appreciated. It does not require much to get started, we are happy for any gesture.

How to delegate?
Delegate 50HivePower, [50HP]
Delegate 250HivePower, [250HP]
Delegate 500HivePower, [500HP]
Delegate 1000HivePower, [1000HP]
All the Hive Power will help to upvote the artist's contribution as part of the LightPainters community.

I am super happy that more and more find their way here into the hive.If you feel like light painting could be interesting for you, feel free to check out this crazy bunch at LightPainters on Hive: @lichtkunstfoto, @stepko, @ryuslightworks, @marlasinger666, @lightandlense, @fastchrisuk @fadetoblack, @maxpateau, @lightstabeu, @yo-hoho, @oddballgraphics, @lacelight, @martbarras, @candelart & @rod.evans.visual @dawnoner

Thank you so much!


Sehr schön! Das hätte ich mir auch gern mal angeschaut. Gibt es eine Wiederholung der Aktion?

Sie will es tatsächlich in Abständen wiederholen. Ich sage dir bescheid.

Ow WOWWWW what a freaking awesome combination!

And what a brilliant night it would have been with the lights, the booze, the music all fused together to create total digital magic!

I am soooo impressed and have just bookmarked your website to go back and have a look tomorrow again!

Now I say Guten nacht! 😊

Thank you for your enthusiastic response. Iam always glad when visitors have a closer read. Thanx for taking the time! Cheers from Berlin!

Oh no thank you for opening my eyes! ( to something soooo cool!)

And although I don't have the knowledge, skills or facilities to do anything like that (yet) what you have done is inspire me to consider what I have around me to use for my first steps into this journey and one of those things is a camera rostrum from the 1980s that a friend gave to me to sell, but now I'm like...actually...🤔...I could do that and this and so I am keeping it and thanks to you and @candelart and @fastchrisuk and so many other creators of awesome light magic, I have been able to consider what I will be able to do with this- especially now coming into winter and having to be inside too.

So once again, thank you and everyone else for the magic that you create that my eyes, imagination spirit and soul LOVE!



Such a good setting
Anna did an amazing job!

Yes she is amazing in bringing ppl together of all kinds.

Oh cool, das war bestimmt lustig 😊

Ja coole Mischung von Leuten ... naja und da rumfliegen ist immer cool anzuschauen