Catching Sunrise Above the Clouds

One of my main goals on Madeira was to catch a sun rising when I'm on the mountain above the clouds. Glad to say that I managed to do it and now I can share these amazing shots with you.
We had to wake up very early, around 6 AM to eat a fast breakfast and drive to the mountain top which took a little more than half an hour.
Drive up there was also extremely beautiful. I asked my girlfriend to take some photos with my camera but unfortunately, after I checked these shots later they were all out of focus and blurry so I won't be showing you any of these.

When we made it up there, the view was breathtaking.

The mountain top was almost at 1800m altitude. The third-highest top on Madeira and its called Pice de Ariero.
Of course, I noticed that I'm not the only one that had this good idea to drive up there and watch the sunrise. There were hordes of other people so I wouldn't say you get a peaceful feeling in nature there. Expect crowds when you decided to do it.
That does not change the fact that seeing the sunrise above clouds is extremely spectacular.

Basically, I was able to see almost all of the island of Madeira from up there. Here are some photos taken in other directions.



The blue below is not the sky, it's an ocean 1800m below, if you look closely.

Going there for the sunrise was not the only objective we had. Pico de Ariero mountain is also a starting point of an epic hiking trail that connects this place to the highest mountain of the island, Pico de Ruivo and we were planning to do the hike. It's a full-day activity and quite a hard one.
I will start blogging about this stunning hike over the upcoming weekend and its probably going to be a multi-post series due to the content amount I have to share about this journey. Stay tuned!

Don't forget to participate in my monthly weather guessing game here and you might win 10 HIVE. The game is open until the 17th of February.



It was such a long time since I have seen sunrises as warm and welcoming as the one in your photos.

Glad to show it to you then!

You really had a fantastic idea that turned out really well!! that sea of clouds is just beautiful!!

I asked my girlfriend to take some photos with my camera but unfortunately, after I checked these shots later they were all out of focus and blurry so I won't be showing you any of these.

i have done that tooo and the result is the same JAJAJAJAJAJA i learned from my mistakes and now i dont do it anymore, if i want a good photo i take it myself

Well, at least I got a new camera now that does does not take the shot if nothing is in focus, much less possibility for error 😅

Superb! The first photo is like a fairy tale😍. Stunning magical colors. Ok, looking forward to see your hiked to the tallest mountain, I can already imagine the breathtaking view up there.

Some sick views yes. You can see all about the hike soon enough!

sure it's a mix of everything 😄

This is beautifully breathtaking. 😍😍 Your photography has given it justice very well. You're so lucky to see nature's amazing beauty. Thank you @greddyforce for sharing this with us. 😊

We sure are, so many naurally gorgeous places on earth.

Whay a beautiful pic. of the sunrise. The sunrise is the hope of tomorrow .

Glad you like it. Wish I could see more sunrises and not sleep all the mornings 😀.

True..and good that wake up early..

Ah having just commented on part one of your epic hike between the peaks. This bit we could do when we go in May this year. Wow what an experience it must be! Bookmarking, Reblogging so I’ve got notes for our visit.

You can drive there, on this mountain. Still its the third highest mountain there and involves many mountain roads to reach.

Still, so worth it. Seeing the su rise above clouds is something else!

I’d love to see that!

What a photo,

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