I loathe the word too, for reasons other than already mentioned. I think it is because it is almost always said by men that are being asses.
I'm pretty sure I'm road-trippin' to Florida in January.
How exciting - that will be one hell of a trip. That is a looooong drive, but so much to see between here and there! Let me know when it gets closer and maybe we can meet up. I am on the northeast coast not far from 95, but I visit family not far from 75 every month with flexibility. I am planning to do a trip to the Everglades in January too. We were supposed to this year, but my camping buddy had a family emergency, and then it got hot early. I'm doing Everglades in deep winter...or I'm not doing it :)
OOOOoooooo yes, I will let you know!! I'm already getting the worries about the trip and the expense, but I tend not to back out on ideas so it will probably happen. Everglades! Yes! My cousin and I want to drive to Key West, too. And I definitely want to camp, so perhaps we can all camp together. You'll be our resident expert on avoiding alligators and anacondas.
Men who say titties. Definitely asses.
In case I disappear on you here (as I do quite often) you can email me at ginnyannette@gmail.com
Also, I recently learned that my friend in Anchorage got double titty cancer over the last winter so instead of Florida this winter I'm going to visit her. But Florida eventually, for sure.
Oh no! I hope your friend is doing alright, and I'm sure a trip to Anchorage will be wonderful.
Thanks! She says she's doing better, that it was all kind of a blur.