You're right, it's about capturing people's interest and inspiring them. That's why the commercials look the way they do. People fall for marketing all the time.
Hmm, I was thinking of starting a company to provide staff to department stores for the purpose of neck-sniffing. We, in the biz, call those that do it sniffologists, although they often refer to themselves as neckers. A necker doesn't make much money really, the agency gets the big bucks which is why I'm starting a company. It's not a bad job, but there's hazards, and you mention one...all those old ladies that smell like mothballs and Crown Mints who come along for a sniff and keep circling for more. Still, who wouldn't want to be a necker for $1 an hour! I'll charge the department store $30. 😉 #brilliantbusinessidea
Yes, yes.... brilliant.