Yeah, there's one or two comment huh? It's ok, I invite them as connection here on Hive is what makes it interesting.
A collector of projectiles...Well, it makes sense that there's people like me who send them and those who collect them...I wonder if you ever created any jewellery pieces.
In respect of the calibres, I would have expected the 5.56 (military version of the .223) to be more common considering the popularity of the round in the States. (I assume you're in the States.) The .50cal would give you a lot to work with due to its size, but it'd be fairly heavy too. I love the 7.62 or .308 as it's referred to in civilian terms. A great shooter and you know, I made some jewellery our of an entire round, with no powder or primer in it of course. The rear view mirror of my 4x4 wears it. Lol.
Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you made it. Thanks also for the remarks on my images. I actually just finished shooting natives (native plants gathered during my hike) in macro and am just about to look at the images. If I get something decent I'll share in a post.
Re: Profile picture...One must keep things fresh, mustn't one? Lol.
I agree, posting is cool for posterity and expression, and rewards are exciting, but engaging with other users is my favorite aspect of Hive.
I agree, 556 is more common in terms of availability for sure! I did both the sending and the collecting, I was with H Troop 1st Cav Regiment for two tours in the sand. The rarity of 556 was mostly because they’re so much hard to find :) When you could sneak down range at the NTC in Death Valley (after hours of course), there was a wealth of projectiles to be found. There were many opportunities also in the sands surrounding Baghdad, but the difficulty with that was getting the down time to wander among the dead Scorpions, although I did manage to salvage a few pieces from the area.
I did make jewelry, almost exclusively. Another thing I did was actually made a decorative dress for my AR, obviously not efficient to carry around in a real combat situation, but seeing a chain of recovered rounds wrapped around the stock and dangling - like feathers from a peace pipe - it sure looked cool :)
Anyway, yeah man, cool stuff! Thanks for the reply, I’ll be watching out for your next work :)
Hey mate, boots in the sandbox huh? Plenty of rounds back there, no doubt...some care had to be taken where you stepped whilst searching though?
That AR dress-up sounds cool, there was no issues up the chain with it?
Sorry for the latish reply, been busy hiking and stuff. Have a good weekend.
No issues, it was my own personal build. I was doing those 80/20 lowers for a while when I had regular access to a machine shop/end mill. Honestly, I felt it was one of the most beautiful rifles ever created, but alas I sold it to a friend during hard times and will probably never see it again.
No problem on the delay brother, I tend to be slow moving in that area myself just cuz I tend to respond in bursts, so I’ll only do it when I have time to field at least a couple - plus that’s awesome
You’re out there hiking and keeping it moving forward! I don’t get out much now cuz my children are young, although - fingers crossed - I’m supposed to be camping with some friends on a personal firing range in the PA region this coming weekend!
Have a great week!
Camping at a firing range and, I assume, some firing, sounds like a good way to go. Enjoy.
Thanks mate! …my car ended up not being able to get me there, so my wife and I had wonderful weekend with our kids instead. Not quite the same as shooting all day and sleeping in the dirt by a fire, but I gotta say, I’m counting my blessings!
Blessings such as you had must be counted, they are among the most valuable. Shooting can wait.