Bloody hell man, now you've gone and done it...I'll have to prove you wrong and show you my terrible photography skills in this community! 😀
Seriously, though, thanks for your comment mate, I appreciate it. I'll post something here and, because I'm a stickler for people following the rules in my community, I'll respect yours of course.
T-Money tried to do that already and ended up getting featured and curated in our HotSHots community feature post! 🤣 I look forward to your successful failure!
And, i thought i was going to have to keep an eye on you in our community. I figured based on your track-record here on Hive you might try to pull some shit,

but since you said you will respect the rules i was deeply comforted! hahaha
Cheers mate
Haha, that gif! I'll be using that one.
Here's to successful failure.