Photography of two types of insect species, one of which is very deadly

Hello photography lovers

Good morning everyone, happy activities and of course I hope all affairs are smooth, back on my blog today, where on this occasion I have prepared several pictures of two species of spiny caterpillars and one type of beetle in black and white, to these two types of insect species I found on different days, For me personally, hunting for some types of insects is very interesting and I enjoy mingling with some beautiful and unique types of insects.

A few days ago, as usual I went to work in the garden every day, because I am a farmer who must have spent half of my time in the garden taking care of my coffee plants, but when I was taking care of my coffee plants, suddenly I saw behind one of my coffee leaves there was a type of spiny caterpillar that was very deadly, This type of caterpillar is very wary of garden farmers in my area, because this type of caterpillar if touched just a little it will be very dangerous because this caterpillar is classified as one of the poisonous caterpillars, there are indeed several types of this caterpillar that are different colors, but I found a green one, fortunately I was not touched by the thorns on the body of this caterpillar.














This afternoon I just arrived at the garden I planned to spray my coffee plants, for some reason suddenly my left hand hurt unconditionally, and my left hand began to swell, I began to look for the origin that caused my hand to hurt, finally it was true that this deadly creature was the cause, actually I was very upset with this caterpillar even though I had seen it many times, But I don't want to hurt him, because I think they also have life, just like me.

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Towards night, my left hand was getting more and more swollen, I was very worried that something would happen to my left hand, but I immediately overcame it by using my own saliva, I happened to have heard my parents say that if I was exposed to this type of caterpillar, the most effective remedy is saliva itself, Maybe after applying it all over the swollen part due to being touched by this caterpillar, the swelling will decrease slowly, if in one day there is no change I will immediately go to the doctor to find a solution, many people talk about this type of caterpillar in our area, because this type of caterpillar can take away our jaws if it is touched by this poisonous thorn. Hopefully with me smearing my saliva there is a slight change in this left hand of mine.

On another different day when I was standing around my yard, suddenly in the wild grass I saw one of the Mexican bean beetles that was perched at the end of one of the leaves of the wild grass, this female beetle has a characteristic where on its body there are black spots so that it has its beautiful and attractive characteristics, This Mexican bean beetle is sometimes very docile and sometimes difficult to get close to, and I was lucky that day, this Mexican bean beetle was really friendly with me, and I was able to collect some beautiful pictures in black and white.








