It is always there.
Day or night.
Winter or summer.
Under the rain or the hot sun.
It is always there.
Staying still, motionless, stagnant.
What if it was made to travel?
To ride the iron roads crossing the countryside.
What if it was meant to bring people together?
To carry lovers to their meeting point.
Soldiers to their homes.
Students to their families.
Now it is just an old rusty train.
Deprived from its right to travel.
Prey for the weather conditions.
Defenceless against the will of immature vandals.
A metal canvas for aspiring street artists.
It is always there.
Shinning in the evening light.
Despite the successive layers of paint.
Despite the broken windows.
Despite the fact that it is falling apart.
A queer beacon among the trees.
A reflection of the past.
A reminder that the day is coming to an end.
Like the life of this old train.
The camera that I used is a Canon EOS 6D mark II with an EF 24-105mm f4/L zoom lens attached. I edited the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic
Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.
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I'm tired - the old train coughed
and spluttered oil and chip packets where children had stuffed greasy fingers
I've seen a lot in my time - here, remember..
For a very long time I wished
To be like the horses in the fields with no masters
To be like the woman with their running shoes
To be the ones that left the tracks and could leave the past behind
And now, here, covered in graffiti
Where sparrows dislodge my rust on the dirt
And artists see in me a different kind of beauty
I'm content in stillness.
Much more poetic and elaborate than my post itself :)
Get well soon!
Nooooo...they work in tandem...Thanks for the inspiration! I love it when you find poetry to match your photos,!!!
Thanks :)
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Thanks :)
Lovely words to accompany lovely pictures.
Thanks a lot :)
Μήπως ξέρεις πόσα χρόνια έχει αυτό το τρένο εκεί παρατημένο και αν λειτούργησε ποτέ;
Μου άρεσαν τα λόγια που συνοδεύουν τίς φωτογραφίες ☺️
Ο συγκεκριμένος σταθμός λειτούργησε από το 1886 εώς το 1963. Για το τρένο δεν ξέρω αλλά υποθέτω ότι είναι παλιότερο του 1963.
Πολλά χρόνια, υποθέτω ότι το άφησαν εκεί για τουριστικούς λόγους 🤔.
I love these so much.
I am glad you do :)
Thank you for stopping by!