Liquid gold

in Photography Lovers2 months ago (edited)


A bunch of hawks were circling above our heads for hours. They are a beautiful sight, especially if you are not a prey for them :)

Some people say that it is a good omen to see hawks but there are a lot of them on the island and we always have some above the olive groves during the harvest. I think they are just curious to see what we are doing with all that loud equipment that we use and the unusual activity on the fields that are, most of the time, much more quiet.

Of course I couldn't take a picture of them with my phone but I did take a lot of pictures of the olives and the olive trees :)




The first days of the harvest are kind of a fine tuning for the equipment that was unused for almost a year as well as for our bodies. No matter how fit you may be, the olive's harvest is a challenging work and the human body tends to rebel against the long hours of doing the same, repetitive movements.

But after a couple of days you get used to it :)




The job itself is pretty simple, at least in theory. Throw the olives from the trees on the net, put them in bags and take them to the factory that makes them olive oil.

In reality it is a bit more complicated and there are a lot of things during the process that will result a better or worst olive oil, depending on the way you'll do them.

But that's too much to explain in a post. If you ever come to help us in a harvest we'll tell you all our secrets in full detail :)



In the picture above I am carrying a jute bag with olives. Photo taken by @traisto.



And when we through our gloves on the ground, tired from a hard day's work, it is time for the workers at the factory to take the baton and transform the fruits of our labor into the longed-for liquid gold :)




I took those pictures with a Redmi Note 12s mobile phone and did some minor editing on the phone itself.

Unless stated otherwise, all the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

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I'm fascinated by the transformation of the olives into liquid gold. I love olive groves and I'm glad I had the chance to walk through some of them. It must be hard work but I also think you enjoy doing it.

It is a hard work especially if you work for others. But like most jobs if you do it in your own rhythm it can be very fulfilling and rewarding :)

Of course it is. I like that you introduce the notion of rhythm and I realize that it matters to me too.

better than last year?

Definitely better than last year which was a disaster but only because we have an olive grove in central Crete, high in the mountains. The drought on the east side of the island is devastating and people are starting to worry not for the crops (that don't exist anyway) but for the well being of the trees themselves!

I hear that you are having a heavy winter with a lot of snow causing problems. Or is it in another part of Serbia?

We had snow over the weekend, decent amount for one day. Didn't have snow in November for some years now. But it is almost all gone now. But we are in the - temperatures for few weeks now. comparing to last few winters this one started like a winter :)

mountains got a good amount of snow but it was probably more that they were surprised with snow in late November than anything else :)

wow, that's a lot of fruit.

Haha, it should be. It takes hundreds of them to get just on bottle of olive oil!

Αχ, πολύ ωραία να μαζεύεις ελιές 😍, μου θυμίζει τα παιδικά μου χρόνια όταν κατεβαίναμε στο χωριό 🙃🥰. Βλέπω είχατε πολλές ελιές φέτος 👍🏻, πόσα λίτρα λάδι βγάλατε;

Ναι, ωραία είναι :)

Μπα, δεν είχαμε πολλές. Απλά λίγο παραπάνω από πέρυσι που δεν είχαμε σχεδόν καθόλου!

☹️ λυπάμαι πολύ 😕, και γιατί αυτό, μήπως καμιά αρρώστια στις ελιές;

Δύο χρόνια τώρα, έχει βρέξει ελάχιστα. Όχι μόνο οι ελιές αλλά όλα τα φυτά και τα δέντρα της περιοχής μας είναι σε δύσκολη κατάσταση. Και γενικά το θέμα της ξηρασίας θα μας απασχολήσει πολύ τα επόμενα χρόνια.

Ίσως τελικά να πρέπει να φυτέψουμε κάκτους, σαν αυτούς που έχουν στο Μεξικό και να φτιάχνουμε τεκίλα :)

Άσε τρομερό δηλαδή το θέμα 😔. Μόνο στην Κρήτη είναι η ξηρασία ή έχει πιάσει όλη την Ελλάδα; 😕

Κάκτους ε; 🤔 Χαχαχα, όχι μόνο τεκίλα, εδώ έχουμε το Cocúi (κοκούι) χαχαχα, είναι και αυτό από ένα είδος κάκτους, το λένε "Agave cocui", με αυτό θα γίνεις περιζήτητος γιατί δεν το γνωρίζουν στην Ελλάδα χαχαχα 😏😎

Σε όλη την Ελλάδα υπάρχει θέμα αλλά η ανατολική Κρήτη έχει το μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα, όπως και άλλα νησιά και κάποια κομμάτια της ανατολικής Πελοποννήσου.

Ωραίο ακούγεται,

Cocui, η τεκίλα της Κρήτης :)

😂😂😂😂😂🍸, πολύ ωραίο χαχαχα 👌🏻