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RE: "The Kitchen III" - Cabbage Leaf - Philosophical Musings on Pastiche and Authenticity

in Photography Lovers4 years ago

Thank you so much! Number two (the black and white one) looks like a dress now that I look back at it.

And yes it looks like cabbage people haha! I like your imagination.

And yes I have heard of it! I need to do some more research on it, but we are connected for sure! Only in our modern era with science and all that have we started to think we are "above" nature. And this is very sad in my opinion.


Oh... so true. I mean - on some level I think its ok to think we are on some part of a higher level. Because human beings are VERY impressive creatures hehehehe

but I guess my opinion would be...

if we are "above" nature - doesn't that make us MORE responsible for it? If we are MORE specialized creatures with MORE capabilities to care for things "below" us.... shouldn't that give us a DELIGHTFUL BURDEN to honor and respect and nurture and love and protect???

just like a mother would do with her child??

a mother is "above" her child in a sense, and that should give a GREATER duty!!! not the way that so many humans have thought it should ENTITLE us to abuse. ugh!!!! shame. honestly!!!! just shame!!!!

love always chatting with you! hehehee love what you bring to this place!!!

 4 years ago  

That is the problem with responsibility right, people either abuse it, or they neglect it. Rarely do we see that people actually care. I would agree with you though. I have seen so many creatures "return" to my garden when I convinced my family to get rid of the lawn and to plant indigenous plants. So many spiders, insects, wild bees, birds etc., have visited and made their homes here. And this is only my own garden. If we made these "changes" on a bigger scale....

I do not want to think about it because I know it is possible and people are too "busy" with modern life to care. There is a good quote, you can ask google for the exact wording, but it's something like: Only when the last tree has been chopped down ... that the rich will know you cannot eat money.

Thank you so much for the compliment! I really like talking to like-minded people and the fact that you can appreciate these talks is awesome!