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RE: HOTSHOTS ~ 11/28/24

in Photography Lovers4 months ago

Man, I tell you this too much, but the talent here is tremendous. I am busy with seminars, listening rather than presenting, but this post was a breath of fresh air. The amount of amazing photographs presented here is beyond words. So, firstly, congrats on all of these amazing photographs. But, secondly, praise and compliments to your eye for catching the best photographs of each post for the digestion or hotshot compilation! You really present the best stuff here in each wrap-up.


Giving everyone more exposure and appreciation for the shots in their post's beyond the thumbnails is the point of these compilations! It's my hope that everyone goes to each others' posts and supports one another. Just scrolling through the compilations would be fun. I've been making them for so long and we do have so much wonderful talent... it's pretty mind blowing. Thanks for your continual contributions and musings! Cheers

 4 months ago  

That is the goal, right? When I find the time, I love to visit other people's posts. I try to comment and read through other peoples' work in the community I post, like gardening and beer posts, and then here in the photography lovers community. But sometimes time gets the better of me, as I plant really badly (my time management skills suck) and sometimes unplanned things happen. But when I find the time, it is so rewarding to engage with others, to hear their stories, catch some tips, or just to see what goes on on the other side of the world. Thanks again for the wonderful community and all of the hard work!