Shooting Jen in an abandoned factory

Today I was invited to a photoshoot with a bunch of models and photographers. I wasn't going to attend since there were a couple of models invited who had hounded me to shoot them. I'm not in the habit of shooting for the sake of it but when the two "models" pulled out, I decided to attend anyways. Result!

I realised today I am very much out of practice when shooting models; it's been more than 12 months. I aways come away from shoots thinking I need more gear or more lights. This time it was the softbox I was using. I've used a collapsible Roundflash beauty dish for easy transport but it's looking like I need a 6ft diameter umbrella....more damn expense lol!

These are a few shots with Jen. I don't know much about her except she's a dancer and dancers always look good in lightpainting images. So we have an arrangement to shoot in the dark over Christmas which should be cool.

Going wide

I took only one lens today with the aim of shooting wide and low. I wanted to exaggerate perspective and make stuff look a little different. Life would be boring if everything looked the same.

For this one, I used a supermarket fabric conditioner bottle over a rear mounted strobe with a smoke pellet to add a bit of something behind Jen.


Jen strikes a pose

A red gel this time and a more conventional dance pose:


Unconventional Jazz Hands

Jen managed to get really dirty hands posing. So I pointed the camera from on high and captured the grime!


Going low down

Getting low down isn't easy when you have dodgy knees!


Supermarket fabric conditioner blue

Low down with Jen again:


These ain't clean hands

Those hands again. I must remember to pack wipes next time!


About me:
I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to create art.

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Very goth!

Thanks, you'll like the next post in that case!

Well done! 😉👌

Thanks very much :-)

I like the blue pics. Looks like your model likes blue more than red. 🤔

Thanks, the blue was from a ghetto bottle of fabric conditioner... I figured todai I was way out of practice at this stuff!