A week with a Sony 14mm G Master lens

My 2nd week with the Sony 14mm G Master lens has proved fruitful despite the best efforts of the British weather getting in the way. I am absolutely loving this lens and it looks like I made the right choice to buy this.

Rather than waffle on about the lens, it's probably best if I let the lens do the talking!

Halloween Selfie

After a busy working week, what better way to celebrate Halloween than to stand and pose for a selfie in the dark? I know for certain I wouldn't want to meet me in the dark!!


Autumn has arrived in Padley Gorge

I've been revisiting this particular tree in Padley Gorge for the last few weeks to see the changes in colour of the leaves as autumn arrives. This year autumn appears to be a little later than usual and while the leaves are not completely golden, we're probably a week away from the sweet spot.

I re-arranged the leaves in the foreground here which is probably some sort of photographic sacrilege but who cares??


The obligatory behind the scenes shot:

Photo 28-10-2023, 08 22 46_rfs.jpg

A clamour for this tree

In another part of Padley Gorge, is this scene with gnarly, twisted Secille oak trees. I got chatting to another photographer who told me that earlier, there was maybe 20 photographers all getting in each other's way to shoot this particular tree. It seems ridiculous to me when there's a forest full of similar trees to this that a gaggle of photographers wanted to shoot "this" one! (I turned up when no-one was around!)


My morning walk in Sherwood Forest wasn't too shabby

Walking back to my car on this walk took ages with the photo opportunities I kept seeing. I was late for work but it was worth it! This was shot hand held at puddle height.


iPhone Rays

I found that with the Sony 14mm lens, it's best to place the lens cap in a bag rather than my pocket. My body heat was causing the cap to make the lens fog over and I eventually ran out of lens wipes! I had to resort to using my iPhone 14 Pro to capture this. I simply had to shoot this with something and they say the best camera is the one you have to hand!


I finally found a selfie shot I'm happy with...

I had a little trip out to Sheffield city centre in the dark. The idea was to capture stuff hand held but I came back with nothing special apart from this selfie in the car park elevator! My only authorised selfie shot I'm happy with!


About me:
I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex, landscape and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; the social side of photography is always good!

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Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!