Vivo en Cumaná, una ciudad en la costa oriental de Venezuela, conocida por ser la más antigua del continente. Conserva estructuras históricas, como la hermosa Iglesia Concatedral de Santa Inés. A pesar de las dificultades y carencias que enfrenta actualmente, siento un fuerte vínculo con este lugar, donde está mi hogar.
Los residentes de la ciudad tienen una conexión muy fuerte con el mar, una presencia que se entrelaza con su historia y memoria colectiva, al igual que el río Manzanares, que divide la ciudad en dos partes conectadas por varios puentes.
Comparto algunas fotografías de estos espacios que pertenecen también a mi historia.
I live in Cumaná, a city on the eastern coast of Venezuela, known for being the oldest on the continent. It preserves historic structures, such as the beautiful Co-cathedral Church of Santa Inés. Despite the difficulties and shortages it currently faces, I feel a strong bond with this place, where my home is.
The city's residents have a very strong connection to the sea, a presence that is intertwined with their history and collective memory, as does the Manzanares River, which divides the city into two parts connected by several bridges.
I share some photographs of these spaces that also belong to my story.

Traducción por DeepL
Fotografías de mi propiedad hechas con un iphone12
Translation by DeepL
Photographs of my property taken with an iphone12
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Hey @evagavilan2, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.For me, the third photo has the first place: a yellow cathedral against a piercing blue sky!
@avada, Yes, the contrasts are striking. In the historic center of the city there are many contrasts.