[Eng] - [Esp] Walk through the town of Cusco. / Caminata por el pueblo de Cusco.

The last trip we did in Peru was one of the most incredible of my life. We dedicated ourselves to know the most beautiful of the Peruvian nature, as Machu Picchu and the 7 color mountain but it was not the only thing we wanted to do, within the same town of Cusco there is very beautiful ancient architecture and of great historical value, of course many have been remodeled or restored but always respecting the forms and facades.

Among the beautiful places we visited in the town was the rock of the 7 angles which is a rock in a building of the town that as its name says has 7 different angles and are placed in a special way to fit perfectly with the others.

We also visited the central square, the cathedral was closed for prevention of the coronavirus but we could still see it from outside and coincidentally that day there was a ceremony outside the cathedral, there was a kind of wedding of some mayor or important personage of the town and there was a high concentration of police safeguarding the place.

We went a little away from the center of the city to see from the viewpoint and monument, the white christ, is a very tall statue similar to the one found in Brazil but not as big, it is a beautiful structure, completely white, protected by a fence around it and from where you can see the whole city.

Next to this monument is also a museum that was formerly part of the buildings of the Incas, called Saqsaywaman, we went down a very narrow and quite steep road but that led to a small bridge by which we arrived directly to this place, unfortunately it was closed and we could not enter to see the relics that are kept inside.

We decided to continue walking through super nice streets, the bad thing about this place is that most of the streets are uphill and in itself there is less oxygen because of the height at which it is located above sea level which is something more than 3,000 meters high, so clearly we got tired pretty fast and we had to stop to rest every so often. We reached another viewpoint that was almost at the top next to the eucalyptus trees.

My friend started to feel sick, he got altitude sickness or soroche as they say in the place so he had to go to the hotel to rest, I wanted to continue knowing the town so I decided to go to see more streets and I arrived to a beautiful place where there was a very nice cafe, very bohemian with paintings on all the walls and even sold some flannels with designs made by them, I had a coffee with a chocolate candy that I liked a lot but I could not finish because the height also hit me a little to me, it was something uncomfortable but I continued resting a little more and then continue.

I got to a point where my lungs were not giving more of if so I decided to buy a couple of pills for the soroche and I went to the hotel with my friend who was sick, we rested a little and at night we went with two other friends who were in the place also on a trip. They were leaving the next day because they had to work so we went for a quiet drink and then back to the hotel.

I must confess that it was very difficult that night because of the alcohol my heart rate dropped a lot which made me have a low blood pressure in the early morning, twice I woke up in a cold sweat and dizzy, the world was really on top of me.

Other than that we had a great time and I think it was an incredible trip.
I hope you enjoy the pictures and that they transmit the same sensations as I did, the beauty of the views. Thank you very much for reading me.

En el ultimo viaje que hicimos en Peru fue uno de los mas increibles de mi vida. Nos dedicamos a conocer lo mas hermoso de la naturaleza peruana, como machu picchu y la montaña de 7 colores pero no era lo unico que queriamos hacer, dentro del mismo pueblo de Cusco hay arquitectura antigua muy hermosa y de gran valor historico, claro esta que muchas han sido remodeladas o restauradas pero siempre respetando las formas y las fachadas.

Entre los hermosos lugares que visitamos en el pueblo estaba la roca de los 7 angulos que es una roca en una edificacion del pueblo que como su nombre lo dice tiene 7 angulos diferentes y estan colocadas de forma especial para que calce perfectamente con las demas.

Tambien conocimos la plaza central, la catedral estaba cerrada por temas de prevencion hacia el coronavirus pero aun asi podiamos verla desde fuera y casualmente ese dia habia una ceremonia fuera de la catedral, habia una especie de boda de algun alcalde o personaje importante del pueblo ya que habia una alta concentracion de policias salvaguadando el lugar.

Nos fuimos un poco alejados del centro de la ciudad a ver desde el mirador y monumento, el cristo blanco, es una estatua sumamente alta parecida a la que se encuentra en Brasil pero no tan grande, es una estructura hermosa, completamente blanca, protegida por una cerca al rededor y desde donde se puede ver toda la ciudad.

Junto a este monumento se encuentra tambien un museo que antiguamente era parte de las edificaciones de los incas, llamada Saqsaywaman, bajamos por un camino muy angosto y bastante empinado pero que daba a un puentecito por el que llegamos directamente a este lugar, por desgracia se encontraba cerrado y no pudimos ingresar a ver las reliquias que guardan dentro.

Decidimos seguir metiendonos por calles super lindas, lo malo de este lugar es que la mayoria de las calles estan cuesta arriba y de por si hay menos oxigeno por la altura a la que se encuetra sobre el nivel del mar que es algo mas de los 3.000 metros de altura, por lo que claramente nos cansabamos bastante rapido y teniamos que detenernos a descansar cada cierto tiempo. Llegamos hasta otro mirador que estaba casi en lo mas alto junto a los arboles de eucalipto.

Mi amigo se empezo a sentir mal, le dio el mal de altura o soroche como le dicen en el lugar por lo que tuvo que irse al hotel a descansar, yo si quise continuar conociendo el pueblo asi que decidi irme a ver mas calles y llegue a un lugar hermoso donde habia un cafe bastante lindo, muy bohemio con pinturas en todas las paredes y hasta vendian algunas franelas con diseños hechos por ellos, me tome un cafe con un dulce de chocolate que me gusto mucho pero no pude terminar porque la altura tambien me pego un poco a mi, fue algo incomodo pero segui descansando un poco mas y luego continue.

Ya llegue a un punto donde mis pulmones no daban mas de si asi que decidi comprar un par de pastillas para el soroche y me fui al hotel con mi amigo que estaba mal, descansamos un poco y en la noche fuimos con otros dos amigos que se encontraban en el lugar tambien de viaje. Ya ellos se iban al dia siguiente porque tenian que trabajar asi que nos fuimos a tomar algo tranqui y luego al hotel de nuevo.

Debo confesarles que fue muy dificil esa noche porque por el alcohol mis pulsaciones bajaron bastante lo que hizo que me diera una baja de tension en la madrugada, dos veces me desperte sudando frio y mareada, el mundo encima de verdad.

Fuera de todo eso la pasamos genial y creo que fue un viaje increible.
Espero que disfruten las fotos y les trasmita las mismas sensaciones que a mi, lo hermoso de las vistas. Muchas gracias por leerme.













































































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