Rust Art And Random Photos

in Photography Lovers8 months ago (edited)

It's time for another session of random photos, one crazier than other. I've been collecting these photos, took the shots whenever I saw something interesting, with the intention to post them one day and that day is today.


I bet you're rolling your eyes, asking yourself, what you are looking at here. Good question :)) Well, this is a half orange, on a green bench, both frozen. The truth is, I would ask the same question, like who in their right mind would photograph such thing, right? Well, I did. Am I in my right mind? Who knows, but the scene looked good. I have no idea how that half orange ended up on the bench, but looked good, especially covered by frozen snow. You'll see why I considered it interesting, right below.


Do you see any any similarities between the two photos?

Last week I needed some official documents and was on my way to a certain office to get them, when I spotted an old chain-link fence, in front of a building that seemed out of use. Used to be a factory, but I don't know if there's any activity there as it seemed quiet and kind of abandoned. I saw the chain-link fence and could not resist taking a few photos.


I'm a huge rust art fan, but this is not exactly rust art, or just partly, to be precise. Part of the beauty represents the peeling paint, which is also something I love.


The truth is, I only took a couple of photos and regretted not taking more, when I got home, but as I had to go back for more clarifications and papers (yes, bureaucracy is real and working perfectly against me in this case), on my way back to the office this week, I thought I'd take some more photos.


This time I stopped for a few minutes, looked for the most interesting parts, where the paint was really peeling off and the rust was visible beneath.


So what do the two scenes have in common? The first photo has a green bench and half of an orange. So the two colors are green and orange. The second theme, the chain-link fence is also green and orange. The top layer of the paint is green and if I'm not mistaken, beneath there's an orange layer, then comes the rust, which adds to the colors.



At this point, I'm curious to know how many of you are shocked to see these photos.


I thought this photo shoot will be easy as you just have to select the spots with the most rust or peeled off paint, but who would have thought the yard is full of garbage. Then came the challenge of finding a decent angle, to avoid capturing the garbage, but still focus on the desired spot. Yes, who said photography is easy, right?


These are not the usual photos one would expect and not many can see the beauty in this peel off paint, maybe I'm the only one. I guess I'll now by tomorrow :)



@dimascastillo90, have you ever taken such shots? 😆 I guess this is not your cup of tea.


Then there were a few dry leaves still left, covered by snow. I love scenes like this as the dry leaves and the snow are kind of not compatible with each other. Most of the leaves usually fall down till the snow arrives, but these most likely are the stubborn kind :)


Today, on my way home, I spotted this cat, resting on the top of the gate. It was kind of unusual as the gate was pretty high, over 2m by my estimations but that did not bother this creature. She (maybe a he?) was just looking at me as I took out my phone to take a few photos. I must admit, I was pretty brave as she could jump on my head anytime, but she didn't.


She wasn't interested in me. She turned her head away. I didn't know if she took offense for something I did or didn't do, or if I should take offense for not being considered worth to look at. After a few seconds of thinking, got no answer, so I decided to leave. It'll remain a mystery forever :))


Last, but not least, a photo that maybe is my most favorite today. I love scenes like this one, although maybe I'm the only one seeing a lot of meaning in such scenes. Look at that little green island, fighting against icy snow. I love it! Simple and beautiful.

This was the photo parade for today. I tried to select some random photos, but in my great effort, managed to select two themes somehow connected to each other. I love these random photo posts by the way.

I hope you have a favorite, so let me know. If you don't, that's ok too, no worries :)

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Fun random shots. I was guessing pumpkin for that first shot. Seems like around here lots of people put out pumpkins in the fall that end up covered in snow and left until spring 🙄

I like the rusting fence photos. I picked up on the 3 colors at the same time you mentioned it in your post 🙂 I am torn between 2 coats of paint plus the rust and the rust just being brighter orange when pulled off with the paint versus the rust on the pole 🤔 I kept comparing this to a paper birch tree with the bark peeling off in my mind.

She wasn't interested in me

off course not she's a cat, too cool and aloof for us humans.

Most likely you can't estimate the size of the orange thing, that's why you thought it's a pumpkin but a pumpkin would be way bigger.

Trust me, it took me some time to decide if there were two coats of paint plus the rust, or just one and the rust. But I think there are two.

Rust and peeling paint is a fantastic combination. In places it is like moss growing on a tree.

I'm glad you are also a fan of rust and peeling paint.

The green colors and brown rust...reminds me of vanlife. If it's not mine, I like to see rusty stuff. Nice pictures.

Lol, I understand your feelings as no one wants rust on their things 😅

There is no doubt, you are an artist, you think like an artist and take artistic photos😂. I really liked your post because you knew how to show simple things and you make us see the beauty of these. My favorite picture is the one of the cat, i think is male 😅 he is beautiful and looked at you like saying -what does she do? i don't care-😂. best regards🤗🤗

Very nice of you @mayramalu, to say that, but I'm not an artist 😆 I just like these things and take photos of everything I like. Sometimes simple things are also beautiful.

I thought a few of you would like the cat too 😀

Ohhhhh, I don't want to sound exaggerated... But these pics on those rusty iron things are some of the best I've seen today on #Hive!... I love seeing rusty things photographed up close!... They're so artistic!... BRAVO!

I opened your post while looking at the first pic and thought something like, "What a weird mushroom friend @erikah has photographed!"...hahahaha :)) A half orange!...Craziest thing!.....

Sometimes you photograph art friend, but today you "made art" in those pictures of paint, iron and rust!... A round of applause!... Thanks for sharing!... You're one of my " #Hive's favourite Da Vinci's!"

!discovery 40

Awww, always a gentleman!!! You're too kind to me dear friend. But I am glad you also like rust and rusty photos.

Lol, this is interesting 😀
You saw mushroom, Steven thought it's a pumpkin. I must confess, I had to go close to see it was an orange.

Sometimes you photograph art friend, but today you "made art" in those pictures of paint, iron and rust!

Again, you're too kind. The art I photographed has been created by nature 😀, I just took the photos.

Thank you for the nice comment, it's always a pleasure to see your comment.
Have a nice evening 😊

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@erikah! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (3/5)

I have felt that indifference from cats, where I live a stray cat that I fed for a while but couldn't give a home to because my children are allergic, let me know his discomfort, turning his face away and turning his back on me, making it clear to me that I am not worthy of his attention 😅

No worries, I was just joking 😅
I know they are very suspicious creatures.

These types of shots are really captivating my dear @erikah. The truth is that I love them, they are unique and you can get a lot of use out of them.

I usually photograph the city, the streets and people but these details blow my mind, in addition to the way you have captured it.

I loved how you explained the similarity between both photos and why you took those photos. I also imagine them in black and white with more contrast and they must be great too.

Thanks for tagging me, dear. I love seeing your own photos and I really enjoy them. Many kisses for you from me and my model 😂😘😘😘

.... Sorry for the late reply!

I'm glad you liked them as it's not your usual style, I know you specialize in street photography mostly. However, I'm a bit surprised to read you can imagine them in black and white. I've never thought of that, because I love the color of rust. Would be nice to see what can you make of these in monochrome.

Thanks for the lovely comment and the rest 😂, also sending you and your model hugs and kisses 🤗😘 and have a lovely weekend!

The cats are excellent models and the first photo looks sweet... it looks appetizing, I tell you... it's a little spongy thing with sugar sprinkled on top... (I know it's snow) don't yell at me! 😁

I think it's a nice photographic exercise to bring together the same (or similar) colours in different scenes.

Maybe cats are excellent models, but I don't get to capture them too often. Last year I had the pleasure to get one come close to me and took a bunch of shots, but that was all 😄

Of course, you have to know how to take advantage of opportunities. 😉

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I loved your photos. Especially the one of the cat haha.
I'm really surprised at the resolution of that camera, is it professional?
Another thing that surprises me is the snow. While on this side of the world we are dying of heat (Argentina), over there they are dying of cold.

Oh, the cat, you too 😁
Oh no, I'm using my crappy mobile phone.
And noooo, we're not dying of cold as -10°C is not cold, cold starts at -20°C 😆

Anyway, thanks for stopping by!