Remembering Autumn

in Photography Lovers8 months ago

It was a nice, sunny, autumn day and I was at my dad's, helping him clean up the garden and make the necessary preparations before winter set in. It was the 24th of September, but looked more like a late summer day. I quite enjoy these days as the sun is still strong and gives you the opportunity to get enough sunlight for the next months and appreciate what you're saying good bye to.


Grapes were still not harvested at that time. You know what is funny? When you have plenty, you don't want any. When you don't have any, you'd love to have some. This is human nature. I remember, was looking at these grapes, thinking in a month or two, I'd think back with nostalgia and wish I could have them. Look at them, how delicious they look.


One of my favorite subject to photograph during autumn is leaves, especially grape leaves, when I'm at my dad's. These leaves are very different from any other leaves and age differently. They change color in a very unusual way and I can never miss that.


Look at those veins and colors, how can you not like them? They say mother nature is the best artist and this proves the saying is true.






One thing I always love to do is to have a very good look at the colors and the texture of the leaves and think of how could I reproduce that beauty on paper, using color pencils or watercolor. The truth is, I have no experience with either, so it would be pretty difficult for me, but it's a fun game.


These were different type of grapes, more sweet than sour and the leaves are different as well, not as colorful as the previous one, but still nice. Look at how the green gives place to he light green, which becomes yellow eventually.




These are my favorites and I could eat them all day long, but they are full of sugar 😬


Then there were the hazelnuts. I have a love hate relationship with them, it's a bit complicated, but let me explain. I totally hate Nutella, because of the hazelnut flavor. But I love chocolate that has huge pieces of hazelnuts and I can eat them as well, on their own.


These hazelnuts are quite expensive, so my dad bought two and now we have some each year. It's nice to crack a few each day and eat them as they have some nice health benefits.


Unfortunately, there's none left. I guess you can never have enough, but I'm not complaining. I'm happy and grateful to get some, no matter how much it is.


Pumpkins! These goodies are part of autumn and even though these are not the ones you can carve out, they are yummy, when baked. This year we're planning to grow those big ones, so fingers crossed.


Dry flowers. We've never had these, but last year we thought would be nice to grow some. I hung them to dry in September and they are still drying. I hope to bring them home soon. Would be nice to have a big bouquet at home.

The best thing in all this is that you can have your own wine, make it to your own taste, as you like it. I'm not a drinker, rarely have something to drink, but I love caring for the vine. It is not considered a work for ladies, don't ask me why because I don't know the answer, but these works are mostly done by men. Villagers are surprised to see me working the vine. I don't really care, I've learnt how to do the work and also have brought improvements to it, that is not proven to be needed. The problem is, I have less and less time for gardening. This year is going to be pretty busy, but what needs to be done, needs to be done.

It's the beginning of March, the first week actually and the weather is quite nice right now. A few cold days are predicted, but otherwise things look great for now. I hope it's not a trap by mother nature, like she does quite often, sending snow in April and so on. I hope this is really the beginning of the gardening season and we can start growing seedlings soon.

I hope you enjoyed these photos. Let me know what would you like from here. Grapes? Hazelnuts? Pumpkins? Dry flowers?

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It's a wonderful time of year, with shimmering colors and sunny days. It took me a long time to appreciate it, because it used to rhyme with back-to-school and the end of the vacations. I hated that!

Your grapes look really delicious in your photos. You could make really good wine out of them. I'm a great drinker of fine wine. Well, very big... I really like wine, but I try not to drink too much of it. So usually once a week at the weekend.

As for hazelnuts, I really don't like nutella. Except on waffles: nutella and a generous layer of whipped cream on top.

Don't ask me why. My girlfriend makes it for me. I don't like nutella, except like this. Maybe she puts drugs in it? I don't think so, it's really not her style.

I understand the association of autumn with end of summer and back-to-school. I used to feel like that, but once you finish with your mandatory studies, you see things differently.

The wine my dad makes is delicious as he goes for quality, not quantity, but I rarely drink, so we always have more than we need. This is why we gift it. People love homemade things.

Except on waffles: nutella and a generous layer of whipped cream on top.

Oh God!!! You can chase me out of the world with that 😆🤣

Whipped cream is another thing I don't like. I used to love it like any other normal human being, but I got an allergy and couldn't eat it anymore. Now I could eat it, but don't like it anymore 😆

Yes, it's only now that I'm no longer at school that I have a great thirst for learning!

I'd love to taste this wine then. I'm with you on quality over quantity. What's more, people always recognize it in the end.

Nothing to do with wine, but I follow a YouTuber who's been making horror videos for a very long time. But it's very artistic and very deep. In recent years, people have really started to take an interest in his work. Recently, he made a 3-hour video. I only watched 20 minutes of it, but it's quality work. He releases videos very rarely, but when he does, it's like a bomb!

And as for the waffles, I understand! But it's a shame because it's really good ^^

Gardening is therapeutic so I can understand why you would wish to have more time for it! It is so lovely that you have your dad living in a place where you can master some skills when it comes to the vineyard, that's so cool! Those pumpkins are huge, I love the baked version with some sugar sprinkled on the top. Yum.

I love baked pumpkin too and these were delicious. I also make pumpkin soup but this winter have never had any :(

"with some sugar sprinkled on the top"? 😲 I've never heard of this and can't imagine how it tastes.

the sugar will caramelize and it will make the pumpkin so sweet, it is delicious yum yum

Mother nature is indeed the most wonderful artist. There is never a lack of interesting things to discover in nature, plus it is everchanging with no two days alike. Endlessly fascinating if we only slow down enough to look. The grapes look delicious and they are making my mouth water lol

Endlessly fascinating if we only slow down enough to look.

You nailed it. Most people can only see their problems and neglect everything else. Spending some time watching nature can recharge your battery and feel better, not to mention the beauty mother nature has to offer.

Those grapes were indeed very delicious.

I miss autumn. Funny how summer is not as it used to be and the same happens with winter too, so more people begin enjoying the other seasons including autumn which many hate because of is rainy periods. Either way, it was my favorite and will always remain like that as least from the point of view of getting to eat grapes like these from your post! :)

Actually, none of the seasons is what they used to be. Spring is too short or in some years it's basically skipped, winter is so mild we don't even get any snow, summer is too hot, autumn is ... well, depends on what chance we have.

so more people begin enjoying the other seasons including autumn which many hate because of is rainy periods.

Rain is becoming more rare these days and it's not good at all.

And yes, autumn has a lot of advantages, like eating grapes :P

The quality of the photography makes the grapes nice. I am salivating. Grape is expensive on this side of the world as we don't grow it. My Girlfriend makes me buy it almost every week because she likes it.

I wish you could have grapes at a nice price, but when it's imported, you need to pay extra. We also have a lot of imported, tropical fruits at some exorbitant prices and because they are harvested too early, taste awful most of the times.

Hang some of those grapes where it's warm, dry, and dark; and make raisins. I've cut them in half so they dry faster, and run them through my dehydrator.

Here they only call them pump look ins if they're orange. The'd call this summer squash, but it Does bake well; whatever you call it! They also keep well in a root cellar, so very smart for winter food!

I love hazelnuts on Any form, LOL but fresh cracked is best.

You should take some cuttings home on the grapes, always nice to have some locals! I have wild grapes on the homestead, and hope to do some grafting with nicer grapes on some of the vines.

Like your pictures, they made me hungry! 🤠👍💙

Making raisins is not a bad idea, however, as far as I know, there are some types that are suitable for this and I bet the blue ones on my photo are not.

As for the pumpkins, there are so many types and names ... 😃

I can't take cuttings with me as I only have a balcony, which is not suitable for growing anything :)

Thanks for the nice comment and have a nice day 💚

Understand, some will make better raisins than others. Preserving is an art, and a labor of love!

Yes, many kinds of squash in general, and most store well. Pumpkins are a good example of good, storable squash!

A balcony is rough for gardening for sure. Some apartment complexes provide garden space for residents.

You have a good one, and stay safe!


You are very right when you say that when you have them you don't want them and when you don't have them you miss them. As I love grapes and hazelnuts here in Cuba do not exist. In December they sell grapes but they are so expensive that it is better to leave them there. And hazelnuts, if someone brings them from another country. Your yard is well filled, enjoy it. And yes, the leaves are very pretty and colorful. Thanks for sharing. Bonita semana. 🤗🥰

We can't always appreciate what we have, then we feel sorry, but only after we don't have it anymore, that's human nature.

I'm sorry to hear you don't have these goodies in Cuba, but most likely you have other fruits we don't have, or only imported at a premium price.

You too have a lovely week 😊🤗

I also have a fascination with leaves, especially autumn leaves. Living in a subtropical region, we don't experience the changing of the colours of leaves in autumn, except for maple leaves.
Those grapes look so luscious, as with the nuts. Pecan nuts do well here, I still regret not planting a nut tree!
It's so true just how we don't appreciate it when there's an abundance of anything yet long for it when there's none left!
Your dad's home looks magical, what a privilege it must be going there @erikah <3

I wonder how long does it take until a nut tree will become productive, I think that it might not be too late to try to plant one for yourself if you can find the time and the right spot:)

I think it's seven years. Not a short period. However, not every type is the same, so you may find some that become productive sooner.

oh 7 years is a lot. But if you plant these while you are young you will reap the tasty awards in your old age.

I'm glad I'm not alone with my leaf mania and I'm sad to know you're not privileged to get these wonderful color changes during autumn, but I bet you have other advantages we don't have.

Pecan nuts we don't have here, except the imported ones.

Yes, the property has a lot to offer, but we're downsizing the activity as my dad is getting old and it's too much for him.

Have a nice day my dear friend 🤗

Tremendous crop, I don't take either, unless it's an event beautiful photos, as always blessings.

Thank you @faniaviera and have a nice day :)

Wow that's was awesome 👍. I really, really do like the snapshots and as a photography lover though a newbie I really appreciate those snapshots alot.
And for which one I like, I think I will be very okay with the Grapes. So, when do I expect them?😄😃😀😄😃😀 hahaha! Thanks for sharing anyways!

I'm glad you like the grapes.

So, when do I expect them?

Anytime it's convenient for you.

Hahaha 😂😂😂 Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣👍. Hope you are good today? Have a nice day.

The star of the post is the grape leaf photos 🙂 We will have pumpkins again this year. We have a hazel nut behind the house that needs some help. It was getting lots of competition for sunlight so I'm gonna help it out this year with some cleanup. I have a love/hate relationship with grapes. Wild grapes grow here and the vines can be harmful if they get out of control. Plus the wild grapes aren't great for eating... at least for humans

Wild grapes? I'm a bit confused as I've never heard of it. Are these grapes that just grow by themselves or a different type of grapes?

Wild grapes are just that grapes that grow in the wild. They tend to be smaller and not as sweet as cultivated grapes and all have seeds. They tend to grow on the edge of forests here. The vines grow up trees and can damage the trees if they get too heavy or just take all the sunlight. The vines are woody and can get quite thick.

WOW!!!!... An exquisite apotheosis of chromatism and luminosity!... Thank you for sharing these photos dear @erikah friend!!!... BRAVO!!!!

!discovery 40

Thank you for the nice comment my friend, you're a true gentleman! Have a fantastic week 😊

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I like the outer shell of the hazelnuts, or are they dry leaves? The brown colour is very pleasant to look at.


Those are like leaves, but attached to the hard shell of the nut. When that dries, the nut falls out.

I see! Interesting structures. They must serve some kind of purpose. Thank you for the explanation.

All the photos are beautiful, because they are very natural and that is what the garden looked like, but I really like what you said, that you were helping your father with the gardening work. There are beliefs about the participation of women in crops. One day I wrote something about it. I don't believe in any of that, honestly.
Hey, and because grapes have sugar you can't eat them? I thought you could eat fruits on that path of reducing sugar.
I like grapes and Nutella. I've never eaten hazelnuts like that. Well, on some packets of muesli I used to buy.

Hey, and because grapes have sugar you can't eat them? I thought you could eat fruits on that path of reducing sugar.

I didn't say you can't eat them. Fruits contain both glucose and fructose, so you should eat them moderately if you don't want your blood sugar level rise. Grapes are among the fruits with the highest sugar content.

And yes, I help my dad whenever I can as there's a lot of work and he's getting old.

I don't know what beliefs are there about women, but I know I've rarely seen women working the vine and those rare occadions were in tv, abroad, not in my country.

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Ugh, the grapes are so delicious! In my childhood we had a lot of them in my house! Nice memories seeing your post brought me back.