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RE: Paseo en Bici por la ciudad de Barquisimeto

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

I see you made 5 posts in the last 24 hours, all containing a single photo. This is called spamming. I'm going to mute all of them and if you continue this effortless spamming, your account will be muted in this community too.


Hola erika, un gusto saludarte.
Me gustaría que antes de silenciar mis post me guíes un poco de como se debe publicar en esta comunidad, pues soy nuevo y lo que entendí por los lineamientos es que solo debe ir la foto, de igual manera me gustaría saber si hay un limite de publicaciones por día.
Mi intención nunca es incomodar a la comunidad, si no por el contrario crecer junto con ustedes porque veo que es una excelente comunidad.


Yes, it is a photography community, where quality photos are appreciated. As I said, posting one single photo looks like effortless spamming, let alone 5 in less than 24 hours. General Hive rules apply here too. So while there's no limit to how many post you can have a day, people usually post max 2, but most of them make an effort and add some context to the photos too.

I don't speak Spanish, but there are a lot of Spanish communities on Hive, maybe you should join a couple, seek help from them.

Vale, muchas gracias por tu comentario,lo tendré presente para publicaciones futuras, por otro lado si me gustaría continuar en esta comunidad así que tomaré mucho en cuenta eso de el contexto y las publicaciones y si en el futuro vas encontrando alguna otra falla o error agradecería que me la compartieras.

espero que no haya necesidad de silenciarme.

Your account was not muted, just those posts that are against the rules. You're welcome to post in this community, as long as you respect the rules.

As I said, it would be wide to join a Spanish community, to help you start on Hive as I don't speak Spanish.

I think Aliento would be a good start