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RE: Bringing autumn for the 25th year in a row (Level up day)

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Unfortunately, when you're packed with sick people in a small place, there's no way to protect yourself. Maybe wearing a mask but who knows if it protects you 100%

I hope you were not half dead and was just a light form. 🤗

but maybe next time

Why wait till next time? Do it now! 😂

Anyway, I'm glad you're better. (I hope you noticed why I wrote HELL NO 🤣)



Yeah, but the mask is not even enough sometimes. It was a light form, no worries. Thanks for the care! 🤗

I have to wait until next time because on Sunday I'm on a friend's wedding and then other things will occur so not much time left for party 🥺

And yep, I noticed that! Langos and kurtos 4 life forever! 😂