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RE: HOTSHOTS ~ 2/16/23

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)

Thank you, I'm glad I was able to capture something you like.
I was able to track the artist down. Here is a website with his works, a sh*tty website, but the artworks are amazing. Seems like he had some of his artworks exhibited in new York in 1975.

In his works, he created clear symbols and metaphors for the themes of man's alienation, his lonely resistance to power and arbitrariness. He made ink drawings, linoleum engravings, lithographs, worked with etching and related techniques. The fact that during the years of the dictatorship most of his works were judged and banned from the exhibition halls contributed to his self-absorbed lifestyle and his early death. translation source

You can find 4 artworks of his, here, just need to click the arrow on the right and turn the page. He was a talented artist for sure. Too bad he was not appreciated.


Ahhh, he's not the one i was thinking of but this guy is incredible. I think i was correct on the technique of what you saw in the ones on display. I was thinking of someone from hundreds of years before. Very impressed and glad to have found a new artist to check into. I like the description of the themes behind his inspiration and works. If only he knew how it felt to be a man in the world in this day and age he probably wouldn't have even lasted that long. So sad. Definitely coming back to this man. Thanks

I was thinking of someone from hundreds of years before.

Can you tell me what that artist you were thinking is? I'd like to check it out.

I just looked and i can't find the artist i had in mind. I thought he was a contemporary with Albrecht Dürer and Matthias Grünewald... two who are old masters in that style.

That's ok, thanks for taking the time and for the additional info.