Today I'd like to take you for another tour in the past, in the 17th century to be precise. Last week I visited an exhibition which was showing to the visitors what life in Marosvásárhely (Targu Mures) was in the 17th century. The exhibition was organized by the history museum of the city and it was a very interesting one.
This exhibition was a bit different from what you usually see in museums. Going back to the 17th century is not exactly a walk in the park, especially when the objects at your disposal are limited. This is when the advantages of the digital era are coming in handy.
The first glance into this room already gave you the idea that the displayed objects were not the only things to see.
The room was small, but the design was very interesting. I loved this brown tone, which accompanied the whole exhibition.
There were these photos on the wall, which most likely were taken during a theater performance.
I'm not sure if I'm the only one or not, but I loved these photos. They were manipulated obviously, but served the purpose well. Most likely this is how interrogations took place in the 17th century.
By the way, the light you see on the right was on the photos and not on my photograph. If you have a closer look, only the photos have the light, the wall doesn't.
Unfortunately space was very limited, I could not find a better angle, so I did what I could to take some half decent photos. This is a wooden desk and chair, used by someone in a key position.
It was a very simple desk by our standards, but most likely stylish and elegant in those times.
This was where things started to get really interesting. These were handwritten laws from 1604. The city gained its independence, which meant the city council, or whatever the management was called back then was able to have its own legislation. I was trying to determine whether these papers were original but couldn't.
One of the coolest thing you can see at an exhibition is a glass floor, which allows you to see what is below. I was hoping to visit this part of the basement, but it wasn't open, that's why the glass floor I suppose.
Here you could read about the town administration, council and magistrates.
There were these objects that archeologists found during the excavations.
You could read the history of the objects on these tablets, so I took some photos to share with you.
There were these two coins displayed and I see I missed to take a photo of the slide explaining what these were. Need to be more careful next time. Anyway, the one on the left dates back to 1681 and the other one comes from the same era. It's a lovely work, no matter how you look at it. It's 342 years old.
I struggled with this one quite a lot as capturing something under glass is a pain, but I did it finally.
(Not that it matters to anyone, but checking the lines, look at this. Usually my biggest problem is holding the camera straight and always have to straighten the photos. Not this one though. I guess I was lucky.)
Offices and Officials in the 17th century. Whoever the designer of the exhibition was, did an excellent job. The colors are perfect and the design was pleasing the eye for sure.
These were the stairs down to the basement. I always wanted to do a photo shoot with such stairs, but never had the occasion as these spiral staircases are not available on any corner. Staircases are always lovely to photograph and I hope one nice day I'll have the chance to take a few cool black and white photos. Here, however, this was the best I could do and it was not enough.
This was how the staircase looked like from the prison cell. Even though it's not the best shot as the light I had was the light in the room, it's still perfect for me and this is why.
I was able to hold the camera right, for the second time, as this photo is not straightened. 😂
Now you may be wondering where that staircase is leading. It has something to do with the trial of Kata Sárdi.
Sorry for the light, it was not my flash, but the museum's light.
The basement basically was a very small space, with no door or window. Lucky me, on my way out of the museum, I bumped into the archeologist, who participated at the excavations, who told me the followings. Quoting:
Documents mention a prison inside the fortress's walls, but they were not able to find it. So they suspect this space served as a prison. He mentioned that the justice system back in those days was very different. Trials were fast and if there were a couple of witnesses testifying against you, you could be convicted of any crime you did not even commit. Once locked in such a room, no one could live for long. Living without fresh air and light is not possible for long.
I must admit, I'm not suffering of any respiratory disease, but humidity was so high down there that I started coughing, the minute I got there.
There were some crazy stuff there, like this frog and a snake skin.
I'm not sure who's hair was this.
I suppose these things were used in witchcraft.
I hope I did not scare you away with this story and you were able to enjoy the journey with me. Let me know in a comment. I'm not going to ask which one is your favorite this time :)

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The museum has enchanting for how interesting is all the structure and all the showcase showing things so interesting not to say crazy LOL, how interesting it looks the frog with the snakeskin.
Lol, it looks like everyone likes the snake skin and the frog.
My eyes are drawn to the two coins you shared. I admire the coins that were produced in the past. They have great artistic value and there is meaning in every stroke. Although I do not know how they were made. Thank you for sharing these photos about the lives of the past.
Coins have always existed, even BC, so you can imagine the evolution. And the funny thing is that coins are testimony of the past. Nothing can be preserved better in time than coins, this is why you see them at any history exhibition. These were indeed two wonderful pieces. I'm glad i did not give up and tried till I got some decent shots.
It's always interesting to see the amazing things on display in museums, it's definitely all art. What a laugh about the chicken feet hahaha.
Thanks for sharing your experiences, the photos turned out great.
Regards @erikah ✨
Lol, those chicken feet most likely were used by fortune tellers or witches, who knows. I was surprised to see those too, but that's what makes a good exhibition good, or great.
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice day :)
@erikah 🌈
The coins from the 1680s are very very special.
I agree with you on that.
I really love the first picture in this photo exhibition. Even though the room was so cute but very beautiful. Yes, the 17th century tells us more stories about how things have been old yet very durable and beautiful in this eyes of contemporary individuals.
I loved these rooms too, the designer was very good, no doubt about it.
Fantastic tour, would love to visit one day. You know, I didn't understand the frog in snakeskin.
There was a woman who was accused of witchcraft. I suppose those items, like the frog, snake skin and chicken feet may have been used by those who we call witches today. I could not find any description or missed it, but that's what I think these items were there for.
very interesting. 😬
What a cool exhibition, packed with a lot of goodies. Look at those shiny coins. Btw, these were under glass as well?
The later part of the exhibitions took me by surprise, frog and snake skins and weird animal limbs... that's interesting.
Everything was under glass as those items were from the 17th century. You can never trust visitors as some don't care about anything and these items must be protected. This makes my job harder, but the solution is, I need to get better at taking photos :)
Yeah, everyone is a bit surprised. I suppose that's part of witchcraft :)
It was a really interesting journey. Especially towards the end it got much more interesting XD I wonder who those hairs belong to. My favorite photo is the snake and frog skin. It's really interesting. Wow, how many times I said "interesting" today lol
Lol, looks like interesting is the keyword of the the day, but I agree. There were so many interesting things, so you're not wrong at all :)
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$PIZZA slices delivered:
(4/5) @pravesh0 tipped @erikah
Está súper increíble ese lugar 🤩🤩
Indeed, there were so many cool things to see.
Si 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
I have to start with the interior decor of the building, wow they're just too fine. Then the pictures are fine although you complained about limited space for getting a better angle but it was still fine. The more I go through photos everyday the more my love for photography is increasing. You got the write up about the rings very much well and they're just perfect while reading them. The last picture about witchcraft was also cool but became funny when you ask if it didn't scared us😂😂. I had to look at it well and it's also dark here but I'm not scared though 😂. Thanks for sharing..
Coins that are this are are still accessible?. I thought they would crumble to dust after staying so long-- I mean there are 342 years old!
Are those chicken legs? 😅😅 For witchcraftcy. Great.
I enjoyed this tour a lot. And I read through that documentary about katalin sardi. I must say that the justice system that time was so messed up.