Black & White Photo Parade

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

We had two rainy days, one after the other, which should not surprise anyone as autumn should be bringing some rain. This morning looked gloomy too, but at some point the sun came out and because I've already heard in the news about the 4 rainy and cold days that are expected, maybe even snow at higher altitudes, I thought this was the perfect occasion to go out and take some photos.

The weather was almost like spring, the sun was shining and I was thinking how lucky I am to be able to enjoy it. My plan was to visit a fair, maybe do some shopping and also, as I mentioned above, take some photos.


After coming home, I can say it was an experimental day as I've done some things I've never one before. Like taking a photo of a tree in autumn, when colors are the most beautiful. Leaves are already falling and some trees don't have any leaves left on them, but the ground is covered with a colorful leaf carpet in most of the places. So I stood in front of this tree, trying out all my black and white filters on my phone, to see how it looks as monochrome and this is how it looks like. I guess I'm going to let you be the judge and tell me if you like the monochrome version ...


... or the original.


Next, there was this old, wooden church, which could look nice in black and white, but I'm still trying to figure out which filter is better, but I suppose it depends on the subject you're photographing and on many other things.


I was standing in front of the fortress gate, trying to hold my phone is the best possible position, and trying to line things as I should. At the scene I thought I did all I could, but once uploaded to my laptop, I see things in a different light. I could straighten this photo a bit, but won't do that. None of the photos were edited, these are the original photos.


And this is where things change. When I got there, the sun was already gone, which was a bit frustrating, but wasn't a tragedy after all. So I tried my best, but some editing was still needed.

I've been planning to do another photo shoot at this wonderful piece, but had no occasion till today.


This is the wooden structure above the remains of the craftsman's studio, that dates back to 1750, which is a historic monument now.


My plan was to take a few photos from different angles, which I did.


In my eyes, whoever has designed this, was a genius. I was standing there, looking at it and admiring it.








I suppose it's needless to say which is my favorite. This wooden structure is amazing, no matter from where you're looking at it.

Today was a good practice, to try out different filters. Now that sunshine is becoming scarce, I'll have time and occasion to play with the settings, adjust what it can be adjusted, in order to get a better photo.

Soooo, which one is your favorite today? 😏

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



The last wood is actually my favourite.
I mean I carefully looked at all angles to see how the craft man started.

Honestly he's too good.

And I'm beginning to notice that there's some type of beauty black gives to an image.

Great pics!

And I'm beginning to notice that there's some type of beauty black gives to an image.

There's a lot of beauty black gives to an image as when colors are taken away, details become more obvious and when it comes to architecture, black and white is a blessing. Buckle up as you're going to see a lot of monochrome on my blog.

🤭😃my sit-belt are on.
I'm going to definitely enjoy this ride!

And I'm going to try black and white sometimes.

What an incredible wooden structure, I love those triangulations and assemblages... maybe because I’m partially woodworker :)

How your shots couldn’t be dynamic with that amazing place ? Thanks for sharing, this is really inspiring :)

I'm glad you like it as it's marvelous, that's why I wanted to go back and do this photo shoot. Too bad the weather was not better. But at least it wasn't raining, like it does now.

If you're a woodworker, you most likely see more than I see. Last time I was there, studied it from close and all my admiration to the creators 🙂

Yes, it's really a beautiful piece of work, I love these soft and airy woods :) Thanks again... and fingers crossed for better weather this weekend for you !

The design of the wooden structure is very interesting. I think the architects were very skilled and used weather-resistant wood. it's really very old. if the building was built in 1750, that means the building is about 270 years old. 🥰

Oh, I should have been more explicit. The remains under the wooden structure are from 1750. This structure was build a few years ago. Wood don't last so long to still stand from 1750 :)

Oh my god. but it is very interesting the patterns of the wooden structure. even I previously thought it was a dungeon..

hard to choose, but my favorite is the one with the bird. Cheers

I like both the color and the black and white of the tree. I do think that the tree picture is my favorite. It's just something about nature that I like rather than the man-made structures - though I do like that unusual wooden structure.

Architecture buildings look quite great in monochrome colors as they put in value the structure itself.

The fortress drawbridge image is legit.

I've always wanted a drawbridge on my house, a moat too. I have time to make it happen...I'll a post on it.

Have a great weekend E.

That structure is amazing! 🤸
And even though there's all this black and white, I have to say I think I like the tree in all its colourful glory the best 🍃🍂🍃

Nicely done with only your phone's B/W filter! The wooden structure is just amazing from all different angles! I could feel the vein of the wood and the roughness of the surface of the bricks inside the structures.👍

The wooden structure is my favorite and just like you said from all angles it looks magnificent, I !LUV it.

#erikh what happened brother.
Again downvote.

Again where i do problem.
I want to solve.