Art, Recycling And Some Real Beauties

You've seen me posting art for years now. Each exhibition has its own beauty, there's always an artwork that I love, or two, or three, or more. Each time I think this is the absolute favorite so far, but then I see another one that I like even more. it's human nature, we like a lot of things and there are so many talented artist who can amaze us constantly.

There's a rule in trading that can help you decide if you want to take the trade or not. The question is, if you could only take 5 trades this year, would this be one of them? It is a good one that makes you think if it worth it. The rule can be applied in art buying too, easily. You have to ask yourself if you would be allowed to only buy (let's say) 3 artworks, would you buy this one? This rule would help you choose wisely. Why am I telling you all this? Come with me and I'll show you why.


László Hunyadi - Ádi

In May this year I attended an art exhibition, where various artists had their artworks displayed. I like mixed exhibitions as you get to see a great variety of styles, which is always fun. There were stone sculptures like the head above, wooden sculptures, paintings, textile art and so on.






Mária Hunyadi - The Donation

This was a fantastic textile artwork. I took some close-up partials to be able to show you the details. Imagine the majority of the artwork is made of canvas, different textile pieces, but the two faces are drawn (I think those are not painted). Some part of the artwork is painted too, especially the bottom.

Even though it may look a bit strange to some, I love it! It's a nice way to illustrate the topic. I keep saying I have to try this type of art out and never do. Let's see if this winter I'll have more time. It would be interesting to come up with an idea and create it on canvas, textile, whatever.


József Miholcsa - Sunrise

Sorry for the bad angle, but could not get a better one and I wanted to capture the sculpture as it's a nice one.


Rozália Kozma - In the Drift of Time

I've seen this artwork before, actually it was a whole exhibition of Rozália Kozma and I remember thinking of how difficult it can be to weave portraits.



Now obviously I don't know these people, I have no idea if these portraits on the wall mat look like them, but look at the portraits, these are almost like photos or drawings, although, the whole thing is weaving. I'd say brilliant.


Árpád Kolumbán - Áresz

These are the cases where I'd like to take the artwork and move it to where it suits me, but I can't. That would be vandalism. So I did what I could. It was a lovely one.


Ilona Sajgó - Genézis


Ádám Baróthi - Sándor Petőfi

A very sad face of the poet, but the sculpture is good.


And this is where the fun begins. This was another exhibition, of amateur artists. There were all kinds of things exhibited, from jewellery to glass vases. And these beauties as well.

When I saw these bags, my jaw dropped. Not because these are high end products, but because of the creativity of the artist. These bags were made using recycled fabrics. These were summer bags, beach bags, one even has a mat to use at the beach. There were two smaller ones on the table, with wooden handle, those were cute too.

So I stood there, looking at them and was thinking, if I were to buy one, which one would it be? And trust me, I could not choose. I liked the blue one a lot because of the traps combined with those wooden beads. I liked the one with a wooden handle, the big one but that is a bit difficult to carry. The two bags with green-blue-yellow combination were also nice. In any case, I find this type of fashion a brilliant idea as it's recycling and limited series as well. It very well be one of each available and that's all.


Then there were these two beauties and my jaw dropped again. I loved these a lot. I find it interesting to have all kinds of irregular patterns combined with wood. So the same rule would apply here too. Would I buy it? Which one? I loved them both, but could not decide. The one on the left had that pink button, that bothered me a lot and did not like that the two sides were curvy. The other one on the right looked way better, but the pattern was regular. At first I said I would definitely love one, to hang on my wall, but at a better look, could not decide which one I would like better :)

So, back to what I said at the beginning of my post. If you could only take 5 trades this year, would this be one of them? 😂 See how well this rule can be applied when shopping? Especially for artworks. What do you think? Do you see what I mean?

In this post, you got a bunch of very different artworks. Do you have a favorite?

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



In which language should I write my today's comment? :D

Yes, Sándor Petőfi looks so sad through that sculpture, but I think it's his soul, his essence.

Of the bags... all were cute and also would try to choose according to its functionality.

Lol, yes, he looks very sad, but then again, his life story is very sad too.

I'm glad you liked the bags, they were definitely unique.

I also dropped my jaw when I saw the bags 🤭 I really wanted to tell myself at least for 2 favorites, but they are all beautiful, I hadn't thought about it, if I had to do only 5 operations, what would they be? And it's blank, because I want everything HAHAHAHAHAHA but you're right that asking us that question would help us a lot to have more productive purchases ✨ excellent post dear friend 💗

Trust me, I know exactly what you mean. I was standing there, looking at them, trying to figure out which one would suits me and my style the most and could not make a decision. I could have bought any of these, still can I think as the gallery would put me in contact with the artist. But the bigger struggle was the two wall mats. I loved them and was decided to go back and buy one, but I didn't in the end. I'm glad you liked it :)

if people who do not understand this art is a very ordinary thing. but if we look closely, we will know how the story is in it @erikah

Well, it's a special kind of art, so it's not for everyone.

really nice bags. There's something so bland about even the most adventurous high brand products. No matter how out there they are, they still feel so very... corporate, like every stitch was a business decision.

I love it when creation is simply aesthetic and wholistic like I see here

You are right about that. Sometimes simple things can be more appealing.

The bags are so beautiful, when I asked myself which one would I have picked and my heat was screaming all but if I have to do just give I don't I know which one to still go for.
I will try and learn to have some stuff and let go of some.
I love the artwork....

Indeed it's hard to choose and sometimes, or most of the times we want it all but that's not possible. I'm glad you liked the artworks.

Wow…. I need to hold on to this. ‘If i could only take 5 trade this year, would this be one of them’. This is a new lesson. I have thought about a whole lot of places i can apply this principle to.

I love the artworks.

I’m a newbie here and will make sure I look into all the websites
Thank you for sharing them 🤗

It can be a new and valuable lesson for sure, help you be more organized and successful too. I love it and will apply the rule in every possible area of life.

You're welcome, I hope you can learn something good from those posts.

Yep, thank you 🤗

The bags are amazing. And the portrait on the wall looks like a picture, thought it was weaved. Such a talented hands and a set of eyes that see details clearly.🥰