🌇Vegas Scenery + The Beautiful People👀

A Little Scenery


Welcome back! The first part of this post is going to include pictures, gifs and a few videos I took while I was out there in Las Vegas hanging out with the #silvergoldstackers clan members. The second part will highlight the faces I got to experience up close and personal. So, without any further suspense, let's check out some of my favorite pieces of Sin City.

The first picture was one of the first I took upon getting out of the car at The Venetian after @summertooth picked me up from the airport. (Thanks again by the way.) It was on the ceiling! You miss a lot if you don't look up here. The fountain there, to the left, was somewhere in the hotel. Fuck, that place was so huge, I have no idea exactly where it was and was probably lucky I came across it. If you asked me to lead you to it again? I most likely couldn't, so I figured I better get a shot while I could😂. Seriously though, that place was insanely huge. When people say that Las Vegas is larger than life, they mean it. One city block has got to be about ten square miles. Too bad I don't do actifit, I would have been breaking some records and they'd of had to readjust their app settings!

The Venetian Tower I stayed in (31st floor).Shot of it from across the street in this next video: The Volcano.

What did ya think? I thought it was frig'n awesome. @dfinney hung out with me while we recorded it. I am a pretty boy ya know, and I likes my pretty things. 😁 The part I didn't get was the neat lead in where they had like this frog chorus, had I known what it was, it would have been in the video too. It was hard to get a solid shot because man, the whole ground was shaking!




One of the things I had to absolutely get a video of was the fountain show outside of The Bellagio. I've been hearing about it since I can remember and seen others' videos. So, before we had lunch on Saturday, I made it a point to stand and wait a few extra minutes for the show to start. I'd heard some mainstream hip hop, old Beatles and even Michael Jackson being played in passing the days prior. They served me up an aria. It was gorgeous and breathtaking. Enjoy.

The Beautiful People


We're gentlemen here, right? So ladies first. And, she was the first familiar face I saw as her and @summertooth pulled up to the 10 post to snatch me up out the airport. Can I get a little Finney, Finn, Finn? I said yeeuh. She was all smiles and as real off line as she was on.

I love genuine people. That's why I love meeting them face to face. Something to be said about people that have the audacity to show themselves. There are so many fake people out there, putting up fake pictures and pretending to be something or someone they're not. Once you go from that digital connection to a physical one, it solidifies the bonds. I feel Lemon-Drop and I have strengthened our friendship in multiple ways. I mean, look at that smile! You can't have a drink with someone online, let alone eat at the same table. Much Love! 🤗🤗


I look like I just got into a fight with my make up artist in this picture, but we're both all smiles. This guy has been trying to get this shit to happen for years. You could feel the happiness and excitement emanating from him as soon as I got in the car and we gave an awkward "should we shake or hug or both?" greeting.

He was cool as shit though the whole trip. We chatted at the silver show about random things and my favorite memory will be when he taught me how to play Craps at the Paris. You know we'll be doing that again one of these days. And as lit as I was? I can't believe I grasped even part of it, but I love dice. "Shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em." Today was a good day. So, thanks for hosting and arranging some activities man, looking forward to the next time!


Boy here is a PIMP in the making, lemme tell ya. Was funny trying to find him at the airport, he says "I'm in a blue hoodie", which was like every other person I saw it seemed like. 🤣 So we drove around a little bit and Tooth says he's pretty tall. Pretty sure he recognized me and I knew as I saw the eye contact it (finally) had to be him.

I learned pretty quickly, who my new mentor would be for all things silver. This guy really knows his shit. It's one thing to read a blog post and nod your head as other things are going on in the background. It's also another thing to sit in on a chat and listen to someone yammer on about a few things. But face to face, where I can give a person my full attention, this is where I probably learned more about silver in one weekend than I have in 4 years of trying to grasp it on chain. well met D. Thank you and questions will be sent your way.


All the way down from the Arctic Circle comes this cat. I was already fairly familiar with him as I have known him for quite awhile. I think I met him on a raffle page somewhere in the past that I had won and he came over and joined the fam. I think at one point, we had a chat about ex-wives and all that shit too, so we had a common ground others don't have.

We clicked surprisingly well right off the bat. I'm not sure if it was the familiarity and his accent that reminded me of growing up or maybe just the easy-going aura that he emitted. Either way, we tightened down real quick as the topic of fishing came up and I believe, we probably could have talked the whole day just about that and not even mentioned silver. We goin' fishin' my dude.


Honestly, I was only vaguely familiar with this guy and as I am not one to shy away from anyone, made it a point to get to know him. He didn't get in until Friday evening as his child wasn't feeling a 100% 😰. But I get that. I totally do.

Which, is where our bond began. We got to know each other over a long lunch and he explained a little about himself. 2 kids was it? Boy and girl? 7 and 4? I don't know, maybe you got 4 and they from 7 to 2. 😉 This guy is all numbers though, picked up some sweet shit at the show and told me his favorite thing about coming over to Vegas was betting on sports. So, I aptly started calling him 'Sportsbook' and hopefully, he can teach me a bit about the spreads and how all that shit works. You good people man, hope to see ya again one of these times!


Ok, for those that don't know, I met @thedamus on that fakebook shit during a recruitment drive for the newly formed @thealliance over 4 years ago. He was one of the first 5 people to ever join the fam! He also told me that he was part of another community and when I have time, I should check it out. So, I did. I definitely liked what I saw and entered some contests and raffles. I believe I won 4 of them in the first couple months and I was pretty stoked about this whole silver thing. Every time I won, they would send a little extra metal with it and show their generosity. We also talked on Bitcoin and various crypto and out of nowhere, he randomly asks me for my address. Ok?

A few weeks later, I got a gift. I didn't ask for it. He just sent it to me. I fell in love with him that day and the rest of the community atmosphere embodied by many of the #silvergoldstackers members. I always try to give what I can, when I can. So, meeting this guy, for me, was epic. He's the one that made me take my stakkin' seriously and I actually started buying more and now I just can't get enough. We shot the shit, spoke on some crypto, politics (which I rarely do) and of course, metals and their true meaning. I'll come up your way one of these days man, I got family all up along the border. Pleasure meeting you!

Vegas Conclusion

I'd totally do it again except I need more than 4 days to explore. That place is so fucking big! And, I only got to hang with the peacock girls for about 30 minutes (well, different ones😜) total and I need a few of them for a whole night. Maybe while I'm throwing dice they can candy up my arms and make people give us their money. You know how I do and oh ya, REMEMBER TO BE YOU! I always am, even when I can't find my way out of the hotel.

In Cooperation With:


Official Witness Representing:

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because I can
So Can WE
Vote Witty

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Ok, so first night in Vegas Summer, Silverd and I watched the show. Our song was Luck Be a Lady by Frank Sinatra. I love that song. It is my favorite Vegas theme song. When I used to lead the tours through town I would blast Luck Be a lady from the bus to psych up the crowd.

But your song!!!!!

Time to Say Goodbye. I LOVE THAT SONG. And it ALWAYS reminds me of the Bellagio Fountain show. Do you ever have those moments where you are really deeply in a moment? Just feeling the moment with your whole self? Well in 1999, the first time i sat to watch the Bellagio Fountain show, that song was playing. Andre Boccelli, Sara Brightman, fountains, sunshine… I was sitting on the brick “fence” of Mon Ami Gabi, right on the strip and that most beautiful song came on and that moment has stayed with me always. I love that this was your first Bellagio Fountain song too!❤️❤️❤️

I also love your breakdown of all the people. 😃 If I hadn’t been there, all I would have wanted to know was what all of these people were like in real life! 😄

It still blows my mind that life somehow led me to this weird website for crypto (that I give zero shits about) and that I met real people (when I never intended to really interact with anyone)… and now 4 years later I was on vacation with said people… And not only that, everyone was super cool. Life puts so many coincidences and opportunities in your path and sometimes it leads you to these gems. 🤩

Anyway… I am definitely up for Vegas 2023! 😍

Don't tell anyone, but it almost made me cry as I engorged myself on the experience and yes, the song didn't help because that was my last full day. It was like the perfect song. That's awesome we both got the same first song😍

Next time I want to go check out more of the nature surrounding it out there by what did @summertooth call it? Red Banks? I also wouldn't mind fishing somewhere, maybe out by Hoover Dam😁

I am down for the nature too. The desert, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead all cool. There is an old gold mining town (nearish) by. I think if when we go again I want to do stacker Vegas, then have my hubs show up for the end then jump off from Vegas to the Grand Canyon and Arizona. We were supposed to do that trip March 2020… then life shat itself. But 2023… maybe that is the time to plan the redo in conjunction with stacker Vegas II?

I am pretty sure my “Time to Say Goodbye” fountain show in 1999 brought a tear to my too! The fountains are cool and that song is just so beautiful. 😍

This all sounds so amazing. Every meetup I've been to has been phenomenal. I'm sorry I missed you, but so glad you got to go. 💖💖💖

You know, you were the first person to personally put a piece of silver in my hands? I'll never forget that day in Georgia. You remember this one? Believe it was both of our first actual meetup of other faces.

Yes, except that was Tennessee. 😁 💖

Ya ya, but you gave me the Maple Leaf in Georgia😜

Seconded! VEGAS 2023!!!


WOW... Just WOW 😍😍😍😍
I absolutly LOOVE that Fountain video, so beautiful and I never seen anything like it.
THANK YOU for sharing that.. Wow!

So many amazing pictures and colors, I never wanted to go to Vegas but I changed my mind after seing all posts. So beautiful and soo much to see 😉 and you sure captured the beauty in every picture.

But the People... I mean that is my favorite part, seing the smiles on your faces and the incredleble Bond you got, that is precious 💓
And all the fun you had together, and all the silver you shared 😍
Took my breath away 😜 lol

A fantastic post and lots of Love and beauty in it.
Amazing People meetup in a amazing place...what can go wrong?
Besides being lost in your hotel
😁 LMAO.. I laugh but Damn..
I swear I would done the
same 😂 Hahahaha

Much love 🥰😘😍

Yes, that fountain video was awesome. Got me all choked up and smiling all big. So, you're most welcome for sharing! I have some other pictures too, but these were my favs. That dragon near the LOVE waterfall was kickass. Was enormous.

Yes, the people was why I went. You know, I got asked about a dozen times if I was a photographer. There was even a lady at the airport who was convinced I was some famous guy and kept trying to cozy up to me, was hilarious!

You and I are probably the only people that could get lost in our hotels 🤣 swear it took me 30 minutes just to get outside of that frig'n thing! I want a house that big. 😁 I'm in total 'I can't wait to build my own castle' mode.

Love and hugs back! 😘🤗🤗

I am not surprised cause you do take amazing pictures, and they wasn't all wrong as you are a photographer.
Being a good photographer isn't only about the pictures you take, it's about finding the beauty in things and to have the EYE 📸👁️
And you have it so...there you go 😊

And you also bring smile by sharing your pictures, that is what I love with mine to 🥰 hugs

Guess you are right! Still waiting to get my gopro and then it'll be mostly video 😁

That sounds cool, you have to show me when you get it 😉
I love your videos so always fun to watch them.
Happy sunday love 🤗❤️🤗

That was so much fun, impossible to put it all in words but you did. What an awesome group of people. Anything you want to know I got you brother. Man it really was like we were long lost friends. It didn’t feel anything like meeting for a first time at all. Dam we gotta do that again somewhere.

Dude, right? Your accent reminded me of my cousins so it was comfortable from the start and we been hanging out a lot more 'online' so made it real easy to be lax with ya. And hecks ya, we totally doing that agin.

I don’t have an accent….you do🤣🤣🤣
It felt like we were all just getting back together after a few years. Uncanny how it was just so naturally easy.

Man it really was like we were long lost friends.

That's how I felt every time I went to a meetup. So glad you got to experience this. Wish I'd been there, but I'm super happy for you all to have had this time together. It's good for the soul.

Damn Son, we walked down that hill and fucked them ALL!

Epic buddy, ducking wpic

@thedamus returns from a fat-finger…

As I was saying: t’was epic! And you my friend deffo walk the walk. Funny, smart, generous, genuine and obviously long out of fucks to give about anything neg. What fun! And I have remarked how amazing it was that 7 physical strangers could get together for such an intense weekend and experience zero drama or bad will — who the hell makes a whole crew of friends when they’re 50!!?

Anyway dude, I’m sure I’ll see your ass sometime somewhere soon. And I’ll be glad when I do!

Cheers Amigo, keep on pimpin’

If you keep tossing around pics like this the ladies of hive are gonna go crazy bro!


Calm down ladies...

Well, I think you are right about this. 😄

🔥 🔥

AHHHH!!!! This looks like so much fun. So glad you got to go hang with the stackers and see the sights.

Some of them, I'm pretty sure I missed a lot in the short time I was there, but totally loved all I did get to experience. There is a talk of a Block Party here in Tennessee in the fall, you coming?

You can't see everything, or everyone, when the playground is so big. I'd love to have a meetup in the fall! Here's hoping we're ready to travel by then.

I heard Trudeau was liftin most restrictions, including travel. Pretty lax here now, only mandate is when flying you have to wear a mask but almost everywhere I've been, it's pretty chill now 😁


You must be killin' it out here!
@theguruasia just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @enginewitty.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
You can still slap 1/1 more people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

So glad you had a good time!

Absolute blast man.

Vegas sure looks like the place to be.

It was awesome and sweets, I did not find that token you wanted. I did get you something though the other day. I will send it soon. 🤗

@enginewitty! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@drabs587(5/15) tipped @enginewitty (x1)

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I am so jealous I won't lie, this looks like it was so much fun, also the pictures were breathtaking.

Thank you! Definitely one of the highlights of my year so far. Was just amazing!

I can't even imagine, seems like it was.

Looks like you had an absolute blast buddy and met up with some really cool folks thanks for sharing in #PYPT today


Also, we had a battle in Splinterlands the other day that was fun

In the brawls? And yes, was totally worth it and the time spent there.

Awesome dude, just awesome. Thanks for the kind words, it was my pleasure for sure! Craps is a blast, just waiting for the student to become the master... :)