Mist Amongst the Trees

The last few days have been filled with rain, making everything outside wet and soggy. This morning, I woke up to a misty day and decided to take a walk in the forest. I really like being in the forest when it's misty.

As I walked through the trees, I noticed that the damp weather had brought out some of the fungi.

Although my favourite fly agarics weren't out yet, it was still good to see the different types of fungi that had popped up.

When it rains, sometimes you see a white froth on the tree trunks. It happens because some bark contains chemicals that when it rains it can cause a soapy foam. It always looks as though the tree is crying.

Parts of the forest were slightly flooded. I didn’t have my wellingtons on so I just stuck to the path.

The mist hung low in the trees, creating a sense of mystery and magic in the air. Eventhough, it was a dull and rainy day, the rain made the colours of the forest more vibrant.


Beautiful forest with lots of fungi . The atmosphere is just like in a movie.

The attack of the fungi! 😀

Beware! They might start landing soon! Loads of them! Prepare the pan!